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Another midseason shoot in Lassen Co.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:15 pm
by brooksb
Pictures this time, we couldn't get enough of a good thing and did a two-dayer, my brother traveled I RON'd in Burney. There still wasn't much baled but Tuesday was a great day, we started out in the unnamed field which is now called "Fly Park" which produced some, we then moved to Granpa's corner and shot there the rest of the day I ended up with north of 200, the second day was slower we had to move out of fields several times so they could be raked, we stayed with it and shot in the wind after 1100 adjusting up to 2.5 moa into the wind with the 17 and 204, The rats were flying with both the 17 and 204 but not as much as usual in the green Alfalfa. I end up with 326 and our total was just about 475 we left the fields both days about 1330.

Re: Another midseason shoot in Lassen Co.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 7:22 am
by Bill K
Looking and sounding good there Brooksb.. It would appear, from the photo's that the two of you had a great time. Bill K

Re: Another midseason shoot in Lassen Co.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:10 am
by randyman
Looks like it was a good shoot. I hope to get up there sometime next week for a couple of days and hoping they've had a chance to bale some of the fields. R!

Re: Another midseason shoot in Lassen Co.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 12:00 pm
by brooksb
The ranch we're on will probably really get with the baling within a few days, I'd go again next WK but I got a commitment...Damm.