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Mid season Rat shoot in Lassen Co.!!
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 2:34 pm
by brooksb
!!Warning!! No pics: Brother and I went to our Ranch out of Bieber our favorite fields we're mowed but no raked, so we set up shooting against some higher ground on a yet unnamed field at 0600 and had great shooting till they started raking, then we moved to Bodhi's hill and shot till 1300 and headed home. My brother had over a 100 with his 22lr, I shot with the .17 out past 50 or 60 yrds so he could poach under me ,and shot out to about 120 before switching to the 204, probably a Max of 250yrds in that second field with the 204. We had a very good day, not epic, but for a half day which I try and avoid a very satisfying day. Early next WK ought to be great with more fields mowed and maybe some baled, so we're planning a Monday/Tuesday shoot there, with Cedarville on our radar for the end of the month.
Re: Mid season Rat shoot in Lassen Co.!!
Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 3:55 pm
by Bill K
Nice to hear they are cutting and a person can see the little buggers.. Thanks for sharing Brooksb. Bill K
Re: Mid season Rat shoot in Lassen Co.!!
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:46 am
by Rick in Oregon
Glad you were able to get out again. By the time the first cut happens around these parts, it's usually way too hot to shoot, as the little buggers go down about 0900 and don't emerge again till evening. Not worth the drive.
But you know what they say on internet forums...."no pics.....didn't happen"......
Remember your camera next time!
Re: Mid season Rat shoot in Lassen Co.!!
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:32 am
by brooksb
the numbers of squeaks drops off noticeably after about 1100 and doesn't pick up till about 1530 here,
Re: Mid season Rat shoot in Lassen Co.!!
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:37 am
by Bill K
They are sun worshipers like us, too a point, but seek shade and cool rest, when the sun gets towards the high mark. But then later in the evening, the shooting came resume, for sure. Bill K