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Pawnee grasslands PDog Hunt

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:22 pm
by PDog Rex
The weather has been really nice considering its into November! So I decided that I needed to go shoot some PDogs!
I went out last Wednesday and this past Saturday, both days had very nice weather, Saturday was a little breezy 10 to 20 mph.
Wednesday shot from the sitting position with BogPod most shoots around the 265 range and Sat setup the shooting bench
most shoots around the 325 range.
Hopefully the photos come out OK. The photos are, the one with the thin gut trail was shot at 63 yards as it popped up out of the hole and headed away
it went about 8 feet into the air with guts flying out as it landed downrange about 10 yards. The 2 PDogs next to each other are at 267 yards, took out the furthest first then rechambered another round and took out the 2nd. The one with the gut sack on the mound and the pdog in the hole from 274 hit it in the side and it rolled into the hole. Last one is one of the biggest pdogs I've seen all year, big and fat even though the picture does not depict that. ... how/PDogs4

Re: Pawnee grasslands PDog Hunt

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:31 am
by Rick in Oregon
Cool, glad to see you were able to get out for rats this late in the year. Got any pics of the outing with shooters, rifles & gear or the surrounding countryside?

Re: Pawnee grasslands PDog Hunt

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 2:59 pm
by Silverfox
PDog Rex--Thanks for sharing the write-up and the photos. I sure wish we hadn't received snow around here. I was really looking forward to a couple more prairie dog shoots. The old polar vortex hit us about a week ago and we have had some mighty cold temperatures.