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1/1/14 Coyote

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:37 am
by Melvin Eades
Early before day light on New Years Day I went out to a creek bottom where I could sit on the point of a ridge overlooking a creek bottom where I've seen and shot coyotes in the past. I had planned on taking my .220 Swift out that morning but was running a little late and already had my CZ American in the truck from the day before so I took it instead.

I was facing the east and here was my view to the south.


.....and here was my view to the north.


Shortly after it started getting light, two doe came out into the edge of the field along the fence line to the south and fed for a while before going back into the pasture. As the sun got close to appearing, I stood up and got behind the two big Oak trees I was sitting by so I would be in the shadow of the trees and to see better without the sun in my eyes. I had been standing for about 15-20 minutes when I heard something running toward me from behind. It was three doe running full out coming down the draw to my right about 35 yards away headed for the corn field with their tails up. I figured there was a coyote chasing them so I shouldered my rifle and just as I did, a coyote came running down the hill behind them.

Here's a picture of the draw the deer came down and if you look close, you can see the dead coyote on top of the ridge to the left of the big Oak tree.


The coyote stopped on the point of the next ridge over and watched the deer running out into the field. I had to lean over and down and took the 58 yard shot through the tree limbs and dropped the coyote on the spot.

Here's a zoomed in picture of the coyote.


Here is a view from the coyote back to the Oak trees on the point I was standing by.


As soon as I shot this one I looked back from where the coyote came from thinking there may be another one coming but never did see one. The deer stood out in the field for about 15-20 minutes looking back toward the coyote before they figured they were safe.

Here's a picture of the deer.


The biggest coyote I've ever weighed was 44 lbs. and this one would have weighed close to that one. The bad part was it also had the mange starting.



What a way to start out the new year!

Re: 1/1/14 Coyote

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:01 am
by Glen
No doubt!! Too bad about the mange. That is a Purdy coyote!!

Re: 1/1/14 Coyote

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:11 am
by Song Dog
Thats a good way to start lol wtg

Re: 1/1/14 Coyote

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:20 am
by RowdyYates
Saw the name before I read the post and knew I was in for a photographic "treat"; wish I had the patience to do more pics while hunting.
Didn't catch what that C-Z is chambered in, btw.

Re: 1/1/14 Coyote

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:31 am
by Melvin Eades
It's a .204 shooting the 39 grain sierra Blitz King.

Re: 1/1/14 Coyote

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:53 am
by WY-NEvarmints
Indeed that is THE way to start off the new year. Beautiful scenery, nice dog (to bad about the mange), and the famous 500 and some yard "shot in the head on a dead run crossing shot" rifle. Glad to see it'll kill em as dead on a close shot too. The grass is going to be pretty green this summer, when are you coming to paint it red again?

Re: 1/1/14 Coyote

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:04 am
by Melvin Eades
I'd like to come out this Spring if things work out. With college graduations, weddings and new grandbabies last Spring, I wasn't able to make it out there with Clint.

Re: 1/1/14 Coyote

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:28 am
by tinytree
that's a big one! great pics!

Re: 1/1/14 Coyote

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:05 am
by Rick in Oregon
Melvin....all of us should be so lucky to start off the new year like that! Other than the mange, good lookin' dog, and great pics as usual. Thanks for sharing. :D

Re: 1/1/14 Coyote

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:49 am
by Clint E
I do not know how i missed this but congrats and always a nice recap on the hunt.