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Finally on the mend

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 1:26 pm
by futuretrades
Been on limited activities for going on a month now. I am not supposed to lift anything over 5lbs. Heck any one of my rifles weighs more than that. :eek: Am hoping for a release from my doc, on monday, so maybe I can at least hold a rifle again. I am, to say the least going stair crazy. I deffinately feel the need to pull the trigger once again. Also need to find new area to shoot Skippy, as the ranch we been shooting for almost 30yrs, has sold to an insurance company. Have heard from a few sources, that there will be no more shooting on the ranch, including skippy, dove, quail, deer, and limited numbers of elk. Maybe they will change their minds when the ranch is overrun with skippy and alfalfa production drops so much, they will be begging for shooters again. The old owners told us a couple years back that studies showed the squirrels on their ranch, dropped production by around 100 bales per acre per year. On this particular ranch we are talking BIG BUCKS

Re: Finally on the mend

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 2:30 pm
by Joe O
New owners,"Don't confuse us with facts,our minds are made up"Hope they come begging so bad,you can charge them to control skippy.

Re: Finally on the mend

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:23 pm
by Bodei
When it sells to someone that knows what they are doing, it will be a bonanza! While it is bank owned they probably wont allow anything that could incur liability.

Re: Finally on the mend

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:38 pm
by Captqc
Okay Kevin, it's been a week since your post, how are you doing? :huh: Captqc

Re: Finally on the mend

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:29 am
by futuretrades
Captqc wrote:Okay Kevin, it's been a week since your post, how are you doing? :huh: Captqc
Thanks for asking, Gary. I just got back from a visit with the Dr.
He released me me back to some moderate activities. To me, that means I can pick up and load some shooting stuff again, at least for a trip up to meet with "skippy". I feel really good, and not much pain. I will no longer be able to do any arc welding, because of implant in my spin, but if needed my shooting buddy is more than proficient with stick welding! :lol: I do need to get out with my 20VT, for some load work up, but at least now I can pick up the Cooper and my bench, and a bunch of ammo and head to the range again.
Life is getting better day by day. :mrgreen:

Re: Finally on the mend

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:54 pm
by Captqc
Kevin, glad to hear you are getting better! Now, about this Cooper 20VT thing????? I think it would be best if you sent it to me so I could test it for you and save you all of that trouble! :lol: By the way pictures are required whenever you announce a new toy! :D Gary

Re: Finally on the mend

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:41 am
by futuretrades
Actually this is not a new toy for me. I bought it almost 2 yrs ago. In that time my computer took a dump so I had to replace it. Don't know what happened with my photobucket account, but I cannot log in anymore. Even tried a new account, but was unable to navigate their site to load new pics. Guess I am getting too darn old to put up with most of this computer crap! :wall:

Re: Finally on the mend

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:23 am
by Rick in Oregon
Kevin, glad you're on the mend, and about Photobucket........I freakin' hate the "new" site too....harder to naviagate, too many photos per page cause 'jerky' scrolling, and it takes about forever to try to scroll down to the last photos in a large album. The old site enabled you to actually find a pic by way of page number, the new one took that feature away.

They blew it big time IMO with their "improved" site. :doh:

Now about the upcoming rat season........


Time to get out all the loaded ammo for the 20VT and 204's! :eek:

Re: Finally on the mend

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:08 pm
by Bodei
Staring at my 600 rounds of loaded 20 VT waiting to hit the pivots is driving me crazy! Just got my 300 rounds of factory 17 Hornet and found 17 HMR in stock at Scheel's yesterday for $119/500. Bought two bricks! I am ready...

Re: Finally on the mend

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:32 am
by futuretrades
I'm ready also. I have 300 rounds 20VT that will be fireformed in the field. They shoot good enough to hit something. More than enough 204's ready, and same for my 223. Although I don't shoot the 223 much any more, it is always with me and will be in the rotation. Plenty 17 hummer ammo, and loads of 22LR ammo for 2 10/22's. Sure glad I loaded up on rim fire ammo before the stuff hit the fan!
Right now I am waiting on the weather to settle down a tad, before spending the money on gas :wall: