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They're Back

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:51 pm
by csand
The good news is, skippy's out in limited numbers here in SW Idaho. Certainly enough to make it worth sloggin' around in the mud.
The better news is, while the class of 2013 may be freeze proof, I can verify they are definitely not bullet proof :D .

I'll remember my camera next time. Cal

Re: They're Back

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:56 pm
by Joe O
Please do.we need a late winter fix.Although it's 67* here right now,in upstate SC.Wish I could get PETA to release about two dozen breeding pairs of Sage rats,or Pds on every golf course east of the mississippi.WOW!

Re: They're Back

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:53 am
by Bodei
Must be that "summer" 50 degree weather? We have some snow coming in today and tomorrow so I think our guys are gonna be laying low for a bit longer. I have my "network" keeping an eye on NE California's rats.

Re: They're Back

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:48 am
by futuretrades
Bodei wrote:Must be that "summer" 50 degree weather? We have some snow coming in today and tomorrow so I think our guys are gonna be laying low for a bit longer. I have my "network" keeping an eye on NE California's rats.
Same here where I am. Supposed to clear up first of next week though. My trigger finger is getting itchy, so I think I need to take a pistol or 2 out and kill some targets that don't bleed. :lol:
I just heard that the ranch where I shoot skippy, has sold. Don't know if new owner will still let us go after skippy. Will be doing some leg work to find some other spots.

Re: They're Back

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:02 am
by csand
My 44 degree "Summer" weather turned into wind blown snow this morning but I did get 3 very enjoyable afternoons. To say I'm a little rusty is an understatement. I bloodied a lot but mostly I just kicked sand in their eyes. I did get to try out my brand new shiny BR Pivot bench. What a nice setup. Thanks, Rick for coming up with this design!

Looking forward to sunny days, Cal

Re: They're Back

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:50 pm
by Bill K
Bodei wrote:Must be that "summer" 50 degree weather? We have some snow coming in today and tomorrow so I think our guys are gonna be laying low for a bit longer. I have my "network" keeping an eye on NE California's rats.
Bodei.. I have seen a few chucks showing out and about some of the rock piles, north of me. Bill K

Re: They're Back

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:01 pm
by TrapperDan
:) I guess I should consider myself lucky as I have been shooting squeaks for 11 days now.First day only 16 rounds , 2nd day 62 rounds and getting better.
Today was red hot.Shot 156 204 rounds and 150 17 hmr.all in 3 1/2 hrs.Gotta love that 204.I only shoot it at 200 yrds and up.Still grinning from ear to ear.

Re: They're Back

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:18 pm
by Bill K
TrapperDan wrote::) I guess I should consider myself lucky as I have been shooting squeaks for 11 days now.First day only 16 rounds , 2nd day 62 rounds and getting better.
Today was red hot.Shot 156 204 rounds and 150 17 hmr.all in 3 1/2 hrs.Gotta love that 204.I only shoot it at 200 yrds and up.Still grinning from ear to ear.
Making me very envious.. But it will warm here and they will be coming up. :) Bill K

Re: They're Back

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:28 am
by broper
I've been shoting ground squirrels here for a couple weeks now. The 'chucks are coming out too, saw one yesteday, made me want to get out after 'em.

Re: They're Back

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:18 am
by Rick in Oregon
Don't forget that if you shoot chucks this early in the season, the females are all pregnant and you're just denying yourself targets in the future.

I've seen three places here shot out compltely because of guys going out too early and killing the females. I absolutely love chuck shootin', but I'm just sayin'......... :chin:

Re: They're Back

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:06 am
by Bill K
We all get in a hurry, every spring. But your point is well taken and we should all remember that, Rick. Future is more important than a early shot.. :eek: Bill K

Re: They're Back

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:57 am
I let myself shoot the first rock chuck and the first ground squirrel I see each Spring. Sort of a "whoopee, Winter is leaving" thing. Then, I hold off until I see the new crop of rodents out and about.

Re: They're Back

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:54 pm
by csand
My first rock chuck of the season was aimlessly wandering around my driveway a few days ago. The wife and I managed to coax it into a dog kennel and I released it into the rock pile at the back of the property. It seemed happier there and I'm hoping it rewards me with lots of new targets :twisted:

Re: They're Back

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:22 pm
by btlbrn
csand wrote:My first rock chuck of the season was aimlessly wandering around my driveway a few days ago. The wife and I managed to coax it into a dog kennel and I released it into the rock pile at the back of the property. It seemed happier there and I'm hoping it rewards me with lots of new targets :twisted:
Now that's what I call dedication!!! WTG Sir!!! :D :D

Re: They're Back

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:53 am
by Bodei
They're back...and so am I...