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Moon light ambush

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:11 pm
by Hedge
Finally got my first night time coyote.

I've been seeing lots of coyote tracks in my NW pasture and got their movement pattern figured out. Haven't seen a day light coyote around my place but twice this year. Seems they're moving at night. Since they're call savvy, I figured an ambush was the only way.

I had a clear night with plenty of pristine snow, no wind and a full moon. Grabbed my chair, sticks and .204 and hoofed it to a pre-chosen spot. On the way, I thought I saw movement on the 2-track about 300 yds. ahead. I watched for about 5 minutes but couldn't be sure. I tossed it off to illusion. You know how clumps of weeds can seem to wander at night if you look too long.

Got to my spot and set up to wait. I knew they crossed the north end of the pasture and I had a clear field of fire from my set. Not 15 minutes after I got set up I caught movement to my left, near the fence. Sure enough, something was working its way through. It looked like a feral cat by the way it slinked through. But it couldn't be. I knew that spot to be about 50 yds away and that figure was too big for a cat.

It was trotting north and away from me as I brought my rifle up to get a better look through the scope. Just as I did, it turned broadside to me. It was definitely a coyote and the cross hairs were on the neck. The muzzle flash momentarily blinded me but when I could see again, there was the coyote, DRT. Range finder said it was 119 yds.


As a side note, I backtracked that coyote and discovered there were 2 of them and they were, indeed, what I had seen coming down the road. They had cut into a thicket on the west and then came back after I settled in. The one I got crossed the fence and the other was moving down the ditch where I couldn't see it. I should have stayed put, because the next day there were tracks indicating a coyote had come back to investigate.

Going back out, shortly. Conditions are perfect. Wish me luck!

Re: Moon light ambush

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:39 pm
by ryutzy
Wayy to go! I've been shooting them at night from my house now that the snow has the ground covered. Last year I shot nine from my house either from my front door or my living room window lol.

Re: Moon light ambush

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:53 pm
by Song Dog
Wtg! Wish we had a little snow here.

Re: Moon light ambush

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:47 am
by Glen
Congratulations on a very nice coyote!! You gonna do anything with that hide. It's a purdy white coyote. I've only seen them in the usual colors, blondes & black. That is the lightest by far.

Re: Moon light ambush

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:53 am
by Hedge
Thanks, guys.

Yup, she was a nice color. Sold to a fur buyer yesterday. The hide I plan on keeping is from that big one around here. If I ever get him. But, he didn't get big by being dumb.

Re: Moon light ambush

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:42 am
by vmaster59
Good looking coyote!


Re: Moon light ambush

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:41 am
by Glen
Thats cool. That sure was a purdy one!!