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Scent control
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:58 am
by boomer84
All you Preditor hunters, i was wondering what sent cover sprays and sent control clothing or other devices/techniques you guys use and/or recomend?
Wind is the best scent cover and is all i use but have been scented on several occasions when calling where foxes have appeared down wind or have circled around so was just trying too get the upper hand on these crafty buggers. I love getting them in close for the most intimate dispatch possible( Had a kit sniff my boot once).
Cheers in advance.
Re: Scent control
Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:40 pm
by GTOHunter
Scent Control Techniques:
I keep my Hunting Clothes outside,and they get washed with Scent-free detergent then I use the Earth Scented dryer sheets or hang dry them outside (which is probably better yet)!
I usually spray down my clothes with the Scent-Killer Spray and let dry,then when I go out to hunt I spray down again for good measure,I wear rubber boots since they usually don't leave any scent on the ground and I keep them outside also.I also take a shower with the scent free soap before putting my Camo clothes on.Its best not to smoke in Your Hunting Clothes or cook with them on either...and don't run in to Town and pump gas with your hunting boots will pick up any gas smells from the ground.
There are lots of little things You can do to stay as scent-free as possible,I don't put on any good smelling cologne or after shave on if I'm going out hunting,they also make scent-free under arm persperant if You want to keep the sweat down..I think H.S. (Hunter Specialties) makes a Scent-free kit with lots of good items in there to use.
When I get dressed to go out Hunting in the Winter time I also dress lighter and carry the rest of my clothes in a back pack then dress close to where I'm hunting,spray down with scent-killer spray and set up in my stand or where I'm going to be hunting from.I mainly do this when Deer Hunting for Whitetail Deers.I also spray down my Boots and sometimes walk thru some fallen Persimmons to hide my smell when walking,some guys try walnut husks or any local fallen fruits would work too.
You can also store Your Hunting Clothes and Gear in one of those plastic totes or scent-free bags......the clear plastic totes work the best for me and are cheaper.
Re: Scent control
Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:09 pm
by Song Dog
I don't use any scent cover up sprays. I may wash my clothes in a no scent soap and that's it.
I use the wind for most of it
Re: Scent control
Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:30 pm
by Bill K
Song Dog wrote:I don't use any scent cover up sprays. I may wash my clothes in a no scent soap and that's it.
I use the wind for most of it
Plus #1 , Bill K
Re: Scent control
Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 5:15 am
by boomer84
cool guys thanks for the replys!