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Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:39 am
by HeadLever
broper wrote:Sounds like this ground squirrel thing is getting more complicated. Here in so. west Idaho it seems there are four different sub species. They all over lap and you may be shooting squirrels from all four in any one area. Two of them are endangered and two aren't and it's really hard to tell them apart. So they are saying to hold off shooting any until they come up with something more positive. There's supposed to be some kind of coffee/meeting with rep. Bilboa and the director of F & G one day next week to discuss it with sportsmen. I don't know what's happening with the rest of the state. If you'd like to check out our club forum for more info it's,, look under the heading Future I V H Events. Gary and Loren, our sec. and pres. are doing a good job of keeping us informed on there.
This might be a good thing to tip off to the outdoor folks at the Idaho Statesman. Even though they are a 'little' on the green side, this could end up being a big deal. They already have the Snake River Birds of Prey area designated as no shooting. To tie the rest of it up will create a huge fuss. Now would be the time to get this in front of every one you can.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:24 pm
by broper
Apparently now the Idaho F & G has decided that they misclassified some species. Now they're trying to decide which species is which and where they can be shot.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:21 pm
by broper
Well, I just found out through our club forum that they're going to let us shoot ground squirrels for now and have our "whistle pig" tournament. It's not official yet but a letter is on the way to our club president. They're saying that shooting might be restricted in the near future.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:07 pm
by Bodei
Sounds like you guys need to keep track of you F&G commission's agenda. Contact the commission secretary and have them send you an agenda. They usually post these well ahead of time. Find out when they set the hunting regs and keep an eye out for special agenda items regarding ground squirrels.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:22 am
by broper
They didn't do this when they set the new regs. and it wasn't on any agenda. It was a decision made after the regs were out and just a few days ago. That's how we found out about it, it was unclear in the regs so our club president called F & G to get a clarification and was told, no they can no longer be shot.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:48 pm
by Bodei
I can't comment on Idaho law, but something sounds "fishy" about how this went about. What environmental documents are supporting their decision? In California if the Department wants to list something as endangered or threatened it has to be done either legislatively or through the commission. It cannot be done behind closed doors. Very strange.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:04 am
by broper
That's the way it's supposed to work here. There were no studys made or no environmental documents. Apparently they just made the decision on a whim. Anyway, they have backed off and said we can shoot them and hold our tournament. They said it could change in the future though.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:36 pm
by Pinched ... witterfeed

"Idaho Fish and Game is convening a Wildlife Summit this fall to discuss how Fish and Game manages wildlife and whether the agency should engage a broader base of support."

Translation, we sent out surveys to see why nonresidents are no longer coming to hunt and the overwhelming reason was the wolf. We are out of money and have a pile of preservation biologists on staff whose jobs are in peril. We need to find more money somewhere....anywhere.

In answer to questions of who will be invited to the table Id. F&G responded with this. (Facebook Page)

"Regarding the various groups; to date we have had preliminary discussions with representatives of more than two dozen organizations – primarily Sportsmen’s Organizations including Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, the Mule Deer Foundation, the National Wild Turkey Foundation, Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever, Ducks Unlimited and Safari Club. We’ve also visited with resource groups including the Idaho Farm Bureau, and the Idaho Cattle Association. We’ve discussed the Summit with two conservation groups - the Idaho Conservation League and The Nature Conservancy, both of whom count hunters and anglers as members."

From my perspective there is a host of conservation groups on that list with two environmental activist groups. Those are the more tame ones that they will admit too. Don't think for a moment that Defenders of Wildlife, Oregon Wild and other more extreme groups will pack the house. They want a say in what happens in Idaho and the wolf was their foot in the door.

Idaho hunters need to stop rolling their eyes when they hear that the wolf will lead to the end of hunting in Idaho and start fighting. The pro wolf folks packed the house at the last wolf coordination meeting in Boise, hardly a sportsmen there. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if this little act was a trade off for those 20 some wolves they killed from a helicopter in the Lolo zone.

Mark your calender August 24, 25, 26, 2012, at the Riverside Hotel in Boise. get there early, and graduate earlier each day.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 8:32 pm
by Sidewinderwa
I talked to the Idaho Fish and Game department. They told me that the entire state is open for sage rat shooting. You cannot shoot South nor North Idaho Ground Squirrels though. It is up to you to identify them before you shoot them.

Re: Ground squirrels endangered in Idaho

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:57 am
by broper
There are areas in Adams and Payette counties that are closed to any ground squirrel shooting and bascally you can't shoot them north of the Payette river. They are letting us shoot them now but it's a " for now " situation.