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Re: Varmint Hunting - What put the bug in you?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:14 pm
by Va varminter
I love to hunt/shoot stuff :evil: And I also use the varmint hunting access to ask to deer hunt later. My 1st groudhog was shot at about 200yards with a 270 and Sierra 90gr.HPs(34-3500fps if I remember correctly). The scope of the day was a Trashco World Class 3-9x40. I was 16.

Re: Varmint Hunting - What put the bug in you?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:32 pm
by Song Dog
Years ago growing up as a kid our horse trainers hunted deer and I thought that was neat. Many years after that, that is many years :D I met my wife who's family hunted. I really took to it and then able to do it, I bought my 1st rifle from her brother. Then Melvin and I got more and more aquianted. The whole reloading thing intrigued me. I still have the 1st 243 load that Melvin showed me how to do it.
It has been a ball of fire ever since.
That is purty much how it started for me. All the game I have shot and taken, I prefer coyotes over all.

In Christ,

Song Dog

Re: Varmint Hunting - What put the bug in you?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:07 pm
by acloco
Song Dog - and you started another outlet for me....your calls flat out WORK!

Looks like all of us have a little more to do to give back. Take somebody with you on your next trips!

Neat stories, all of them.

Re: Varmint Hunting - What put the bug in you?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:00 pm
by tuck2
I got to shoot an old Remington 22 slide action when I was 7 or 8 years old. During the spring of 1949 dad gave me a new Remington Mdl 121 slid action 22 RF rifle. A gunsmith in Cheyenne Wyo mounted a Weaver J-4 X scope on it in 1950. There were plenty of jack rabbits and prairie dogs out in the country where I grew up . I would read the Outdoor Life magazine that my brother in law had. I save up money so I could get a Winchester Mdl 70 270 like Jack O'Conner wrote about. Shot my first mule deer north west of Cheyenne Wyo the fall of 1953. Started reloading the same year. My older brother and brother in law got me started hunting and trout fishing. Hunting , fishing, reloading, and camping have turned out to be a life long hobby . Now at 73 years old Im still do it. Most of my shooting is at prairie dogs but last fall I shot a mule deer .

Re: Varmint Hunting - What put the bug in you?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:37 pm
by Song Dog
acloco wrote:Song Dog - and you started another outlet for me....your calls flat out WORK!

Looks like all of us have a little more to do to give back. Take somebody with you on your next trips!

Neat stories, all of them.
Glad you like it :D Since it works, is there any pics of dead critters???

In Christ,

Song Dog