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Re: Sage rat "Tac-trailer" + 20 Vartarg

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:37 am
by TrapperDan
The new Barney Fife where I hunt(norther Calif.) says that if the trailer is touching the vehicle it becomes part of that vehicle and he will give you a ticket if caught shooting from it while attached.Same thing with a loaded gun in the vehicle.If you have a clip with shells in it in a shooting bag in the back of a pickup and the rifle in the front seat ,he says he will ticket you because the clip is part of the gun no matter where it's at in the vehicle. :chin:

Re: Sage rat "Tac-trailer" + 20 Vartarg

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:22 am
by Rick in Oregon
Now that's just stupid by definition no matter how far you try to stretch it. "Part of the vehicle"? That is the biggest BS/CS stretch of the law I've ever heard of anytime, anywhere (but figures for Kalifornia). And to think just across the state line, we can have loaded magazines in our guns, just no rounds in the chamber, can easily get CCP's and carry daily, and can even shoot rats from the truck if we're on private land. What a difference, and we're just talking about an invisible line in the dirt. :chin:

This is the kind of madness "they" are trying to enact everywhere and will, if we don't put a stop to it. (I spent two hours yesterday sending emails to my reps in OR and ugh, DC. Political rant over. :mad: )

I think I'll get away from my computer now and go start gathering gear needed to go shoot great volumes of ground squirrels......that oughta cheer me back up! :wink:

Re: Sage rat "Tac-trailer" + 20 Vartarg

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:51 am
by futuretrades
TrapperDan wrote:The new Barney Fife where I hunt(norther Calif.) says that if the trailer is touching the vehicle it becomes part of that vehicle and he will give you a ticket if caught shooting from it while attached.Same thing with a loaded gun in the vehicle.If you have a clip with shells in it in a shooting bag in the back of a pickup and the rifle in the front seat ,he says he will ticket you because the clip is part of the gun no matter where it's at in the vehicle. :chin:
Sounds like this guy does not even know the laws he is supposed to enforce, and is an over zealous young power hungry PRICK! I am a resident of Kalifornia, and if your clip is not in the front of the vehicle where your rifle is, in other words no readily accessable to the rifle, you are not in violation of then law. He cannot come onto private property, legally, unless he gets a complaint from the land owner. If you get stopped on a private road, with a loaded magazine, He has no legal right to ticket you. He may do it any way, but if challenged in court, he will loose this case. Depends on your willingness to fight this in court. Where I shoot, and that is on a couple different ranches, in Kalifornia, the local warden is not welcome, unless called. Most of these ranchers where skippy resides, welcome most of us shooters, as long as we respect their properties.
My cousin is married to a retired now, warden and we were in school with him. Before he retired, he was the local warden in the district where I do most of my shooting. I know him very well. Over the years we have had more than just a couple discussions about his limitations when it comes to enforcing the law on land owners properties.

Re: Sage rat "Tac-trailer" + 20 Vartarg

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:43 am
by Bill K
I think you will find, now days. There is a difference between what I call the old school law enforcement officers. There are a few GOOD new one's around, but most are so badge happy, young and foolish. They do not earn respect, most think that since they have a badge they just automatically get it. WRONG.. The old school officers earned respect and respected the people they worked with. This would include the Wardens, and now they are Wildlife officers, since Calif went to the Fish and Wildlife department. You are seeing this in all aspects of law enforcement. PD, SO, FBI, Best just to avoid contact with them, do what is right and fly low. :D Bill K :)

Re: Sage rat "Tac-trailer" + 20 Vartarg

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:22 pm
by Bodei
Knowledge of the law is power in this country, but misinterpretation will just get you in trouble (whether you are an officer or civilian). Be sure you get more than one opinion, don't just take my word for it or anyone else's. Look up the relevant code sections and read them, then have an attorney or DA or someone read them. The loaded gun law doesn't apply on private property (unless it is a "way open to the public" or place where prohibited to discharge a firearm) in CA. If you have a detachable magazine, and is not attached to the gun, there is no violation. Period. Your Barney Fife ( I assume, Sheriff deputy), like many, doesn't know hunting/firearms laws. Be aware that these counties are the lowest paid in the state, so I am sure they are not always getting the cream of the crop. In California, the wardens can come onto private property without a warrant for a couple different reasons (case law), and if you are hunting/shooting on private thats a no-brainer. Oregon is different. The trailer thing is ridiculous as RIO said. The law doesn't address it specifically, so that does not mean you get to make up your own law, it means its NOT illegal. That's my take, but like I said, be careful, there's lots of folks out there with different interpretations. Educate yourself so that you can find the applicable laws in the field if contacted by someone unfamiliar.

Re: Sage rat "Tac-trailer" + 20 Vartarg

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:52 pm
by Bill K
Very well said Bodei. Knowledge is great, but also ignorance of the law is not a excuse. We all need to remember that. Bill K :)

Re: Sage rat "Tac-trailer" + 20 Vartarg

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:22 pm
by ClaimJumper
Oregon Residents can also shoot rats in Ca. for free! no lisc. needed..

letter from a good guy,

>>I finally got a Legal response from the Ca. dept of fish and game..
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Phil Nelms []
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 10:30 AM
>> To: Invasives; Don Sayer
>> Subject: Re: Hello from Oregon
>> Don Sayer: F&G Code section 4152 authorizes the take of nongame mammals
>> without a license if the animals are injuring growing crops or other
>> property. This authority to take nongame mammals under these conditions
>> without a license applies only to the owner or tenant of the premises or
>> employees and agents in immediate possession of written permission from
>> the
>> owner or tenant.
>> Under all other circumstances and for all other people a valid hunting
>> license is required to take nongame mammals in CA - F&G Code section
>> 3007.
>> The complete F&G Code and all F&G regulations are available online @
>> You may contact me if you have additional questions regarding CA F&G
>> laws.
>> Phil Nelms
>> Enforcement Division
> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
>> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
>>>>> "Don Sayer" <> 3/18/2009 9:46 AM >>>
>> I have friends who would like to shoot Belding's ground squirrels in Ca.
>> on
>> a private farm/ranch. Since Belding's squirrels are a rodent-nongame
>> animal
>> do we need a non resident hunting lisc.?
>> Please include the title 14 section that describes this in detail as the
>> local Warden is of no help.
>> Thanks for the info.
>> Don Sayer