5 day coyote calling trip = 20 down!

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5 day coyote calling trip = 20 down!

Post by Kale »

5 day coyote trip.

So me and a buddy traveled north to my relatives place to do some coyote control work as there are tons around! We went last year and killed 17. This year we set the goal at 20. 

First morning we headed out. My cousin and his friend, Jenn, joined for a couple stands. Jenn is a new hunter. Never been yote hunting before. So as we are getting our gear out of the truck for our first stand a mangy zombie dog came busting out of the trees. My cousin dropped him. 1 down. 

We went and set up were we were planning. As soon as I turned on the call 3 mangy dogs poked their heads up out of the long grass about 300 yards to our left and 2 came in on the run. The lead dog came in to about 120 yards and my buddy Dustin dropped him with his .243. #2 down! 

The next stand we set up over looking a stubble field with a couple large patches of bush on it. About 3 mins into calling and I see a yote moving from right to left on a lope. I switched the call to the bay bee cottontail and he came in on a string. My cousin and Jenn were set up about 50 yards down the shelter belt from Dustin and I. The dog stopped about 40 yards from Jenn and she took the shot with her .17 hmr but missed. The yote ran about 30 yards and stopped to look back. I told Dustin to drop him and he fired and dropped it. #3 down. 

Dustin and I called a few stand with no takers. We decided to walk along a valley and call a few spots. We rounded a point on a clump of trees and a big dog was running across in front of us at about 100 yards. I got on him and pulled the trigger and he went down. I hit him a touch far back. He went down and then tried to get back up. I put another in him and he stayed down. #4 in the bag.

It got a bit windy so we packed it in for the afternoon and did a bit of scouting and gained some new permission. We went out in the evening and my cousin and Jenn joined us. Called 2 stands with no luck. Last stand of the day we are on a hill overlooking a slough bottom. Called for about 12 mins and a coyote comes up the hill at about 130 yards. Jenn took carful aim and dropped the coyote with her .17 hmr! Hit it a but high and it needed a finisher but she had her first ever kill! Now she is hooked!!  #5 down!
The next day we called a couple spots that produced well for us last year but had nothing to show for our efforts. 5th stand of the day finally produces. Calling from a stubble field full of bales to a slough bottom. At about the 10 min mark I happen to look to my right and a dog is standing out about 200 yards broadside looking at where all the racket is coming from. I wheeled around and he started to take off. A quick bark and he stopped at 230 yards broadside and I drop him with a 35gr Berger from the .204. #6 down. 

Next we hit up a spot that the farmer took us to that he said he had seen lots of coyotes. We park the truck in the stubble field , walk over the hill and set up against a straw bale overlooking a patch of bush with a water hole in it. Turned on the lighting jack and about 40 seconds in Dustin says there is one coming. A yote came in on the dead run, down the hill and plowed through a patch of small bushes and charged the call. I tried to bark him to a stop at 30 yards. The yote switched ends and tried to get out of there but Dustin was on him and dropped him at 50 yards. Turned on the pup distress and played that for about 1 min then went back to the distress call. And about 2 min later another coyote comes over the hill and stops. Dustin is on him and drops her at 115 yards. #7 and #8 down. 
We go down the road and set up in a field behind a pasture with cows in it. Call for about 5 mins and a young coyote pops out right in front of us and I drop it. Another one starts warning barking us but wont show himself. #9 down.
Went in for some lunch and then got back out. First stand after lunch is dry. Next stand we are overlooking a river bottom. Call is playing for about 8 mins when a yote comes flying up to us from the trees we are sitting in and stops about 10 feet from dustin an Looks at the call. He then turns to get around us and tries going through the trees. Dustin stands up and get a shot at him at about 20 yards in the thick trees. He hits him far back and then does a short track job and puts another in him. #10 down. 

Called a few more spots around the river with no takers. Headed back towards a pig barn and set up on the hill. A couple distress calls from my hand call gets a dog out of the bush and working his way towards us. Dustin flattens him a about 120 yards. #11 in the bag.
That was it for day 2! 

Next day we got a late start and didn't get out till noon. 
First stand no takers. 2nd stand we set up lying prone in a stubble field overlooking a patch of trees below us. At about the 4 minute mark this guy steps out right in front of us. All I had to do was pick up the gun and he was in the crosshairs. Easy 120 yard shot has #12 down. This was a nice big male! Nice hide on this one! 
Nothing much else on the day. Just before last light we set up in the field before the dead pile at the pig barn waiting for one to cross for an easy meal. 10 mind later it does not disappoint. Dustin takes the shot at 230 yards. Down goes #13

Next day we call at a good looking spot and have one coming in but comes in downwind and then takes off before we get a shot. 
Next spot produces one about 2 mins in and I drop him at 70 yards. #14 down
The next spot that produces is a hay field that is full of bales and it borders a big patch of thick timber. About 40 seconds in one starts running in and stops at about 200 yards ands downwind and i tell Dustin to shoot before he winds us. Boom down he goes. Keep calling and 2 mins later 2 more come running in from the sale direction but wind us and head back to the trees just as fast. Play the pup distress and one of them comes running back out for another look. I rush the shot and graze him and a puff of fur is all I have to show. But still we have #15 down. 
Again at last light we pushed the dead pit and tried to get a bonus dog. I went up over the pit and spotted a dog running away. He stopped to have a last look and I dropped him with a free hand shot. At the shot 3 others left the pit but Dustin missed from his position in the field. #16 down with a half day left to call!

At first light today (our last day) we head to the barn again. I drop dustin off to get set up in the field. I go to flush the pit and don't see anything come out. Go back to the truck and go pick up Dustin. He said after he saw me go back to the truck 4 came out. And he dropped one at 350 yards when it stopped to chew on a pig bone in the field. 17 down. 

Next spot we park at a oil lease and walk over the hill. We lay prone in the field watching the tree line. Dustin spots one to our far right coming in but it disappears. Then we spot one out in front of us. Somehow it got to the middle of the field without us noticing it. At 260 yards it hangs up and I drop it. Turn on the pup distress and  about 3 mins later another one comes across running. It is heading for the trees so when it stops i rush a shot and hit it low in the leg and it takes off into the trees. Didn't recover that one. 
#18 here. 

After we leave here there is another dog out in the dead pit field. Pull in behind the shelter belt and get out to get into position. Dustin let's fly and pancakes him. 
#19 down! 

Head back to the river bottom to call our last stand as we need to get back on the road home. Lay prone on a high vantage point. Right off the bat we have one challenge howling us to the trees on the left. Use some coyote vocals and one bust out about 260 yards and runs across the open field below and does not give us a shot. Then we get one howling to the far right. Dustin spots him below us and takes a shot at 300 yards and the dog spins and gets into the thick trees. We went down to have a look and found lots of blood but It went way down into the thick trees. He is done for but no picture of this one. We will count I though for our even 20! 

We missed a couple throughout the 5 days. Let's just say we should have had about 25 on the board. Oh well next time I guess!! 
Got back and just missed caught the tail end of the first snow fall! 

Here are 13 of them lined up
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Re: 5 day coyote calling trip = 20 down!

Post by Joe O »

Put a big dent in that population.Great tale and Pics.Thanks for sharing.
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Re: 5 day coyote calling trip = 20 down!

Post by Silverfox »

Great hunt!!! Makes me kind of jealous. I made 7 stands yesterday and only got one coyote. Thanks for posting the story and photos.
Catch ya L8R--Silverfox
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Re: 5 day coyote calling trip = 20 down!

Post by hemiallen »

Great post and pictures, thanks for sharing.

What caliber is your Tikka?


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Re: 5 day coyote calling trip = 20 down!

Post by Kale »

hemiallen wrote:Great post and pictures, thanks for sharing.

What caliber is your Tikka?


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Re: 5 day coyote calling trip = 20 down!

Post by BLOK »

Nice story and shooting.
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Re: 5 day coyote calling trip = 20 down!

Post by Clint E »

Kale nice job on the recap . I can not even imagine getting that many in that short of time.
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Re: 5 day coyote calling trip = 20 down!

Post by Ryan S Albright »

Great Job guys! Last December me and a buddy went on a 5 day trip along the Sierra Nevada mountains then out through the desert 941 miles one coyote. You better keep those spots to your selves. Thanks for the photo's.
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Re: 5 day coyote calling trip = 20 down!

Post by albertaal »

Nice hunt except there appears to be alot of blood and fur damage.
Should'a used a 204RUGER
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Re: 5 day coyote calling trip = 20 down!

Post by savgebolt »

Great story , thanks for sharing , ive seen several shows recorded in that area,,,,its unreal,,,,,,love it , t y
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Re: 5 day coyote calling trip = 20 down!

Post by Bill K »

Thank you for sharing those photo's and the hunt.. Bill k :)
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