Prairie Dogs

Talk about hunting the hunters and their prey.
Guy M
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Prairie Dogs

Post by Guy M »

After taking a mule deer, a pronghorn and a coyote with my .25-06, I put the "big" rifle away, and grabbed the .204 Ruger/CZ and headed for a prairie dog town. Windy and cold. Shot a few and enjoyed.


Used the 35 gr Berger varmint bullet - a flat base hollow point. Loaded it over BLC2. Very accurate. Not as explosive as some plastic tipped bullets I've used on varmints in the past. This was my first time shooting prairie dogs as we don't have 'em in Washington State. Usually I hunt rockchucks with the .204 rifle. It worked out real well.

Regards, Guy
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.204 Ruger Guns: Savage 12VLP purchased in June 2004 + 2 other custom .204s
Location: NW North Dakota

Re: Prairie Dogs

Post by Silverfox »

Guy M--That was a real "mixed bag" hunt. If you ever use those 35 gr. FBHP Bergers on coyotes and have the same experience I have had with them, you'll like how they knock down coyotes with very little fur damage. They are definitely not in the same class as your 25-06, but pretty effective on coyotes just the same.

Thanks fo the story and photo.
Catch ya L8R--Silverfox
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