Son's first two kills!!

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Son's first two kills!!

Post by roooster_11 »

I know this is a .204 site, but I just want to share pics of my son's first two kills.

A few weeks ago we went right before dark one Friday afternoon to see if we could get a shot at a pig. About five minutes after getting off the ATV's about 8 pig ran across the road at about 60 yards. The last on stops. As I'm getting my son set up on his shooting stick, the pig starts walking right towards us. At this point my heart is 1000mph and I'm pumped up. I ask my son "can you see him", "yeah dad, I got him", ok, wait from him to stop". Well as if on que, the pig stops at 40 yards quartering towards us. "CHOOT EM"!!!! He lets on fly form the Remington 700 .243 with 100 gr SP's, it finds it's mark. The pig drops in it's track, never taking a step. I take the gun from him and make it safe, then the high fives start flying, and we are hooting and hollering like some crazy fools. As we are walking to the pig, my son tell me, "dad, I think you got too excited, you slapped me on the back kind of hard" haha :lol: When we get to the pig my sons tell me that he hit it a little to the right of where he aimed, about an inch. He was shooting off of a monopod, so I tell him he made a darn good shot. So we recover the pig and clean it up, it's ready for the processor.

Well the next afternoon we decide to go make a little hunt in a different spot. We are sitting under a tree in the golfcart where I have a lock-on stand, and my son is watching a shooting lane to the front and I'm watching a lane to my right. We have only been there for about 20 minutes where a Bobcat appears on my lane at about 100 yards just sitting there looking right at us. I ask my son if he wants to shoot it, "sure, I'll try". So I tell him, "ok, bring you r gun up over the steering wheel" I cup my hand and rest it on the steering wheel and he put the gun in my hand for support. I ask him "can you see it" "Yeah, dad, I got it" "Ok, whenever you're ready, squeeze it off". Bang! The cat goes down immediately. Well, another round of hollering like fools and we are walking to go see his kill. As we are walking, he says to me, "I put the crosshairs right on his nose". When we get to the cat, we see that he hit it in the lower jaw. Then that lil sucker tells me, "dad, I think your gun is a little off. Yesterday I shot that pig a little right and today I hit the cat a little low" REALLY! :roll: Reminder, he is shooting at 100 yards supported on my hand on the steering wheel of a golfcart and he hit the cat about one inch low. Kids!!!! haha!

Well anyway, we had an AWESOME weekend. We topped it off by fishing Sunday and catching a few sac-a-lait (crappie for all of ya'll not in Louisiana) That night he wrote a note to Santa telling him that he had the best weekend of his life hunting and fishing with his dad, brought a tear to my eye when I read that! :cry:

Hope ya'll enjoy the picks.

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Re: Son's first two kills!!

Post by Dennis81082 »

Well that is just about perfect, congrats to the boy.

Better get that rifle sighted in for him, been there done that. :roll:
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Re: Son's first two kills!!

Post by RAMOS »

That is awesome!!! Neither one of you will ever forget those two experiences. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Son's first two kills!!

Post by Silverfox »

rooster_11--That was an outing neither one of you will ever forget. Good times, good memories. Thanks for posting the photos and the write-up. Tell your son Congratulations from the old Silverfox. :banana:
Catch ya L8R--Silverfox
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Re: Son's first two kills!!

Post by Rich V »

The smile on that youngster face says it all. Congrats to your son and also too you. Well done.
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