4 Dawg Day!

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4 Dawg Day!

Post by Kale_M »

Perfect Calling conditions today! PERFECT! No wind, sunny, -28 degrees..

1st stand: tried calling a yote in that I spooked going in, no luck,

2nd stand: Call is going for abotu 5 mins when I look over my shoulder and there is a dog about 20 yards from me. Shut the call off and tried to lip squeak him to come to my sie of the fence. He got down in a spot where I could not see him and I tired to make a move on him but he got my wind and he was gone. Turn around to the way I was facing before and there is a coyote about 325 out and looking right at me. Take a poke but missed.

3rd stand: Dry

4th stand: Set up on the side of a big hill overlooking a big flat, 2 mins in got one charging in from the right, stops at about 140 and I drop him. DRT

Next 3 stands are dry

7th stand: SPot one in the basin that I am goign to call as I am walkig in. He was not to intrested, must have been full of mice already, He buggers off, Call a bit but nothing else shows.

8th stand: Walk up to this hill with a big rock on top, Set the call up and sit down beside the rock. Look up and 2 come out around a hill about 400 yards in front of me. Turn the call on and they come charging in. Stop the front one at about 150 and miss an easy frontal shot! I was not happy!

9th stand: Go into an area where I called in a double on monday and didnt get any of them. Sat down and started to call. Was going to leave and then I hear a coyote howl. Start galssing and see 2 out on the side of a hill about a mile away. Turn on the pup in distress and they start running in. Then the batteris die on me!! Pull out the hand call and keep the pup in distress yelps going. I start moving to my left cause that is where these 2 are headed. I glance back to my right and there is one coming in about 100 yards out. Swing over to her and she spooks slightly give quick bark and she stops, Drop her. Move back to the left and keep on the pup yelps. Another one is standing out about 600 yards looking at me, another is moving hard left and is almost behind me at about 600 yards, Look over to my left again and there is another one standing there looking for the one I just shot. move back to the left and he starts moving to the left. A couple lip squeaks keeps him moving. He stops at about 250 right out in front of me. Thought he was a bit farther so I hold on top of his back. Hit him a bit far back and high but he drops. Back on the pup yelps and then I look back and the one I just shto is trying to get up. SHoot again hit him in the butt, shoot again miss. shoot again miss! darn! Now I am running out of bullets so I get up and run out about a 100 yards, I hear another one barking at me and he is close. Shoot the gibbled one and put him down. Cant see the barking one darn! was set up for a triple!!! But I got my first double ever so I am happy!!

10th stand dry

Last stand of the day: Use my ruffidawg call and blow about 2 sets on the call and I have one charging in from the right comming down a hill into the low spot. He is about 150 out when I sit up and raise my rifle. He puts on the binders and turns to leave. I give a quick bark and he stops and turns broadside. Smoke him and he goes down. Then he gets up and starts pulling his butt along the ground to try and get away. Hit him a bit high as I did not compensate for the down hill angle. He starts to butt rub straight away from me so I put the crosshairs between his shoulders and drop him.

4 dogs in one day by myself is my personal best while hunting solo and I got my first double! Here is to many more!;)

That is 30 on the year! Now to hit 40!!

This is only my second year predator hunting and seeing how I only got 7 all last winter I am pretty happy! Knowing the area and knowing how to set up in this wide open country and really helped this year!!
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Re: 4 Dawg Day!

Post by DoubleUp »

Great hunt and vivid details. Made me feel like I was right there with you. We like the pics, lots of pics, thanks and congrats.
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Re: 4 Dawg Day!

Post by redfeather »

Good job on taking four in one day...
Do you still feel the 35g Bergers are performing well on those coyotes?
They do not appear to be doing much pelt damage...
It really takes shooting 30-40 coyotes to get the real field report on a bullet...
Please keep us posted and thanks for the report.
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Re: 4 Dawg Day!

Post by Kale_M »

The 35gr bergers are workign very well. Most of the dogs I shoot I cannot even find an entrance hole, They don't even bleed. Go straight up the leg and shoot them right in the shoulder DRT.

I find on smaller dogs if I shoot them behind the shoulder I get a small exit.

I have shot a few out in the wind at a 250-300 yards and I find the wind does not even effect them all that much.
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Re: 4 Dawg Day!

Post by Silverfox »

Kale--Great job and I'm glad to hear those 35 gr. FBHP Bergers are working well for you. They worked pretty good on Montana and North Dakota coyotes too.

Thanks for the report and the photos.
Catch ya L8R--Silverfox
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Re: 4 Dawg Day!

Post by steve »

Great job keep them coming! :D
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Re: 4 Dawg Day!

Post by Dennis81082 »

Good job on those pretty coyotes. Sounds like you could use an extra set of eyes to help spot all of them.
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