Lucas's first and second coyote this season

Talk about hunting the hunters and their prey.
Melvin Eades
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Lucas's first and second coyote this season

Post by Melvin Eades »

My son Lucas, had an eventful last weekend. Here is his story in his words.

The other night as it was getting dark and my wife and I heard a couple coyotes start to howl not too far away from the house. I muted the TV, and like a maniac went flying through the house to get my .243. I have never shot a coyote with this gun. I originally got it for hunting deer in Missouri, but only got to use it for one year before we stopped hunting over there. Every time out with this gun we just wouldn't have any luck. I've shot a coyote with several of my dad's guns, .270 and .204, and even my muzzleloader a couple years ago on video, but hadn't with my .243.

The day before, I was telling my dad that I would like to take it out and get a coyote with it. Well, that next day is when we heard the coyotes outside our house. So, back to my story. I came flying back into the kitchen with my gun (safely), and the blinds were open. Well, my wonderful wife for whatever reason decided to turn the lights on in the house. I was not very happy and turned the lights back off and eased the kitchen door open. Luckily the coyotes were off toward the northeast and not right behind the house like I had thought at first. It was getting pretty dark and if not for an area of snow, I wouldn't have seen them, but I could hear their walking because of the crunching of the snow.


I pulled up and everything was pretty blurry and it was getting pretty dark but I could still make out the coyote and my crosshairs, so I took the shot and saw one run off, but it looked as though it wasn't in the same place that I had shot at though.

It was dark enough that I couldn't tell if there was one lying over there or not. I had thought that maybe I just dropped it, but wasn't for sure. You know how you always start to second guess yourself. Anyway, I went and put my coat and boots on and went walking across the road (a country road that isn't well traveled) to see what I could find, and sure enough, there he lay. I had finally gotten my first coyote with my .243 after several years of trying. It was an 87 yard shot. Not far by any means, but I was still proud of myself for making the shot in those conditions considering my scope wasn’t in focus.

The coyotes view.


In all of my excitement, I didn't have time to think about checking the power on the scope. I noticed later I had it all the way up on 14 power. That doesn't work to well when it’s getting dark. I knew this, but was in such a rush to get a shot. Anyway, I would also like to note that the deer brat’s scent (I was cooking my dinner) seemed to work well along with my blue jeans and sweatshirt for my clothing.

I was excited and drug the coyote back the the kitchen door so my 9 month pregnant wife could take a picture. She wasn't too enthused, but did it for me anyway. The second coyote was barking at me as I was getting my picture taken.


So, of course the next morning, I was psycho (according to my wife) because I kept looking out the door and back windows all morning long. It actually paid off though.

About 8:30 in the morning, way past sunrise, I glanced out and there were two coyotes standing down in the grass field to the south of my house 70 yards away.


I grabbed the gun, opened the door and eased around the corner of the house. When I did this, the second one saw me, but didn't take off. I had a little better angle on the first one, so I took the shot on it and smacked him. The second one, of course, took off because it saw me in the first place. That is where I messed up and should of taken the second one since it saw me and then could of had a chance on the lead dog. Oh well, This time I was using a scrambled egg scent as I was making breakfast for us.

What the coyote saw.


I was once again using my blue jean and sweatshirt clothing. This time my footwear was just socks only. It worked well the previous evening, but my feet were inside the house the whole time. This time, I had to step out onto the snow to look around the corner. I wouldn't recommend using sock footwear on snow, it was for only a few seconds, but it gets extremely cold on the feet. And of course, I made my poor wife come out and take pics with the second one


and then both of them together.


She was real good about it though. It was really neat, I got to wear what I wanted, eat a little food and stay at room temperature and still got to take two dogs. It doesn't get much better than that.

I don’t get the chance to shoot a coyote very often, so it was a lot of fun and I got to do it with my .243. By the way, those 65 grain V-max do a number on them. These coyotes might be my last of the season. My wife is due any day now, and I doubt I get to do much hunting with everything going on, unless of course, I happen to see one out the back windows or kitchen door!
Enjoy it while you have it, because things will change.

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Re: Lucas's first and second coyote this season

Post by Song Dog »

Lucas, That so awesome. Stay warm, shoot from the house and bag 2--priceless.
I waiting for a txt or call saying we are on the way to the hospital, its getting close. I have only seen 2 coytoes run the feildroad south of me which is 311 yards this year.

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Re: Lucas's first and second coyote this season

Post by Rich V »

Lucas Nice story, congrats. on coyotes and on the baby to come.
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Re: Lucas's first and second coyote this season

Post by Verminator2 »

Nice job. Last year there were 4 of them in our field about 300 yards away. My dad and I both bail out of the house and I was in a t-shirt and underwear :D Don't recommend trying that either :roll: Anyway good job.
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Re: Lucas's first and second coyote this season

Post by Ryan S Albright »

Good Job! I have loaded the 65gr Vmax's for my 243 and am impressed with there performance. What kind of scope is that on your rifle? And what make of rifle is that? I think you need to cook up something nice to entice more coyote in. Those are some good looking coyote thanks for the picture and story Take care of your photographer and congratulations on the child to come.
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Re: Lucas's first and second coyote this season

Post by Melvin Eades »


It's a M700 ADL Rem. with a 30 year old Tasco 6-18X scope I used to have on my .220 Swift back in 1979 . I know what a lot of people think of the Tascos, but it has been a good one for me.
Enjoy it while you have it, because things will change.

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Re: Lucas's first and second coyote this season

Post by Wiiings12 »

Congratulations with the nice coyotes! And I wish you the best of luck with your upcoming child!
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Re: Lucas's first and second coyote this season

Post by Ryan S Albright »

I have a 6x18x50AO Bushnell Banner scope on mine and love it $109 dollars. When I go to the gun shops and look over used guns alot of them have Tasco scopes on them I bet a lot of deer have been dropped looking through a Tasco scope. I have looked through a lot of old Tasco scopes still working fine.
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