Wolf hunting

Talk about hunting the hunters and their prey.
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Post by janneuf »


As always you are spot-on. There was a great conservative who once said "in these days of intercontinental ballistic missiles one cannot afford to wait until the gun barrel is leveled in his direction before he takes action.

That fine conservative also cut taxes stating " we need to remove the burden of taxes to stimulate the economy". This conservative was a war veteran, awarded a Purple Heart and more. He also said "ask not what country can do for you, ask rather what you can do for your country"...

I know you all know by now I'm talking about JFK, yes a conservative democrat who could NEVER get the nomination now, but look at what his party has become.

Semper Fi Rick, thanks for your service!
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Post by Varmonter »

Back to wolves. Have any of you called them in while hunting coyotes?
I ask as i was out the other morning (4:30am)in a very remote place here in vt.
I know no wolves in vt. But I was snowshoeing out to my first stand
when a pack started up across the lake. I got to my stand and started my
fx3 with a lone howl. Well me and the yotes exchanged howls for awhile.
But no shot opportunities. One of the howls was quite deep and real drawn out..Kind of eerie in the dark. After it got light i went across the lake.
to See if i could locate thier bedding area and do a few more stands.
No luck so i gps'd my car and started back on that bearing.
I found what i thought might be a boundary between 2 territories.
There was lots of tracks,scat. Then i saw these tracks.
This is a pic i took next to my fingerless glove. These where definitly canine
as there where claw marks in them. not a cougar?
So you guys who have wolves do you think these could be wolf tracks?

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Post by Gone Ballistic »

I used to live & hunt out your way years ago, (now in I da hoe). I think what you have there is a Coy-dog. Quite common in the upper Northeast. It's a cross between coyote and wild (once were domestic) dogs. Some can get to be quite large as it's not uncommon to get sheppard/yote crosses. If that were a wolf, it would be a little larger than your glove. :shock:

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Post by Hotshot »

Didn't our fore fathers eliminate the wolves once, when there were a lot fewer people in this country. There was a good reason for that. Wolves and people and livestock ( our nations food source ) were not compatable in the past. I wonder why anybody thinks they are now. It's a good thing the liberals can't bring back saber tooth tigers or we would have 20 foot long cats running around eating anything they wanted to. I think we should re-populate San Francisco, New York, and Boston with wolves, grizzlies, and rattle snakes to help balance nature.
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Post by Gone Ballistic »

I'll drink to that !
"The only thing a pistol is good for, is to fight your way to your rifle." ....the late Jeff Cooper

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