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mule deer & x-c skis

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 2:39 pm
by Guy M






It was good to get out on the cross-country skis yesterday with my son. We found some new furry friends! Amazing how fearless they were this time of year.

Re: mule deer & x-c skis

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:23 pm
by Mike
Fantastic pics, Guy. Looks like you and your son had a great time in some beautiful country.

Re: mule deer & x-c skis

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:00 am
by Rick in Oregon
Good show, Guy. Glad you are getting out with your son for these backcountry adventures. Amazing how tame the critters are at this time of year. I was within 25 yards of an entire elk herd here last week while riding my mountain bike. Didn't realize I was in the middle of them until I smelled them, then stopped, looked around, and there was at least 10 or 12 elk, one nice 6x6 just staring at me wondering what I was about.

During winter, one of my favorite things to do on either my x-country skis or snowshoes, is to grab either a .22LR rifle or pistol and go after winter snowshoe hares here. A great day outside in the snow and cold, and a great bunny stew when you get kind of fun!

Thanks for sharing the adventure. :D