Bear Hunting ??'s

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Bear Hunting ??'s

Post by RLKondo »

I am curious if anyone here has experience calling bears with predator calls and can give me some tips or even share your experiences. I have hunted bears a few times before but have just used the spot and stalk method. I thought since I got a Foxpro last year, I might as well put it to use. I would assume that the setup and location would be similar to coyote hunting, look for sign, pick a good view point with cover, place the caller below, and consider the wind.

Also, does anyone have experience with using scent to attract game. On Cabelas I saw scent sticks that burn like incense. Not sure if they are worth the money, but might give them a try along with the calling.

Thanks for any information that you can share!
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Re: Bear Hunting ??'s

Post by chicoredneck »

Seeing as how you haven't had any responses yet I'll give it a go. I don't bear hunt, but we used to turkey hunt an area that was thick with bears. We were waking through the woods and heard somethign up the hill from us walking around. We stopped and turkey called. Within seconds a bear came trotting down the hill right at us. As soon as he caught wind of us he tucked tail and ran, but he was obviusly responding to the turkey call. Bears can smell very well and are very opportunistic feeders, but I don't know how predatorial they truly are though. I think they tend to be more carnivorous during certain times of the year than others. A good google search should help you out. Black bears and Grizzlys have different habits by the way.
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Re: Bear Hunting ??'s

Post by BIGJON »

I don't know much about calling bears but I can tell you that a lot will not respond to calls. However, there are some that do. A fawn distress might grab their attention around this time of year being that there's a few young ones running around. It's very important that when you set up to have a something solid to your back such as a tree. A lot of times bears will circle around whatever it is that they're moving in on and they're surprisingly sneaky. It is very similar to how you'd set up for coyotes.

As far as scents are concerned, don't waste your money on those incense scent sticks. I've never heard of bears even giving them the time of day. Get yourself a cheap super soaker, and fill it up with liquid smoke or anise extract, and spray it as far up into the trees as possible. You can pretty much use anything that is very sweet smelling for scent. Bears are suckers for sweets.

It's not much but I hope this helps bring in Mr. Bruin!
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Re: Bear Hunting ??'s

Post by TONK »

I never called bears of any kind but have indeed hunted and shot several in years gone by! I would be more affraid of calling in a mountain lion on top of you than a bear. You never mentioned what type of bear your going after but it would apply to all species. Bears are smart and often will stalk the hunter when he doesn't even know it is happening. You just make sure you have plenty of gun just in case a monster comes your way.
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