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We are fortunate...

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 2:57 am
by Guy M
This fall, a working stiff & family man like me... I've got firm plans to hunt black bear, elk and mule deer here in my home state of Washington. I've also applied to hunt mule deer in Wyoming. I've also put in for the once-in-a-lifetime Washington tags for moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat. Highly unlikely that I'll ever be drawn for one of those last three, but all the other species are a strong possibility.

To think... I have a good chance of being able to hunt in two states for three different species of big game... Wow... And I didn't even apply to Idaho or Montana for anything or I could be hunting in three or four states.

Gotta love it! Likely to be a busy fall! :D

Re: We are fortunate...

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 5:40 am
by Ray P
Guy.....Congrads and good luck. Always nice to get out and hunt multi-states if you got the time to do so.
Later and good luck!
Ray P. :lol:

Re: We are fortunate...

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:01 pm
by long range dogr
Guy M wrote:This fall, a working stiff & family man like me... I've got firm plans to hunt black bear, elk and mule deer here in my home state of Washington. I've also applied to hunt mule deer in Wyoming. I've also put in for the once-in-a-lifetime Washington tags for moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat. Highly unlikely that I'll ever be drawn for one of those last three, but all the other species are a strong possibility.

To think... I have a good chance of being able to hunt in two states for three different species of big game... Wow... And I didn't even apply to Idaho or Montana for anything or I could be hunting in three or four states.

Gotta love it! Likely to be a busy fall! :D
Wow!!! That is deffinatlly a handfull of hunting! I'll agree that you are very fortunate.I'm taking it easy this year. Gonna go hunting on a pards private ranch and fill a cow elk tag.(yes i meant what i typed! it'll be that easy to fill a cow tag!) Then i'm gonna go hunting with the rest of my pards to TRY and fill my bull tag. No deer tags this year. But i'm really thinking about heading north for a antelope hunt.I have access to about 25,000 private acres in wyoming.I guess that i'll have to see what happens this fall.

So yes i am very fortunate as well!

Re: We are fortunate...

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:44 am
by Guy M
I'd think 25,000 acres in Wyoming likely holds a couple of pronghorn! :D

Unofficial draw results are avail from Washington now. Looks like I was skunked on my "special" tags, but I'll still be hunting bear, mule deer and elk. My son appears to have drawn a doe tag, which is a late season hunt after the regular mule deer season here. If he tags a buck during the regular season he's done, but if he strikes out, he's got the option of hunting late for a doe - a much easier tag to fill. That would be nice for the lad, he's had a hard time getting on a buck the past couple of years. The late season doe hunt is more relaxed. No counting antler tines. Far fewer hunters afield. Normally it's just walking up the canyon until we see a doe, then whacking her. We've each done this a time or two in the past. Nice fun, father/son hunt. Generally only a few hours long.

We're really looking forward to our bear & buck hunts together!

The young fellow usually shoots a 6mm Remington at everything, but with a bear hunt scheduled, he's eyeballing my bigger rifles. We'll see how much rifle he's comfortable with. I think the 6mm would kill a bear, but tossing a bigger bullet is likely a good idea, if the lad can shoot it well.

Regards, Guy

Re: We are fortunate...

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:08 pm
by long range dogr

I cant wait till my kids are old enough to hunt big game with me!! My oldest just got his hunter safety but he cant hunt big game here for another three years.

It's all good though cause i get to break him in on pd's and coyotes....Maybe a pheasant of dove or two. :D

Re: We are fortunate...

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:02 pm
by Guy M
Hunting with my sons is the best... Well, it's right up there with hunting with Dad, who is in his 80's now, but still gets out for pheasant and other upland birds. He's an amazing wing shot, still.

Re: We are fortunate...

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:07 pm
by long range dogr
My father and i still try and share a dove field together when we can. Its a little tuff to do now though.....He lives in Idaho and i live here.