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Successful 2008 Illinois Deer Hunt (long story w/ pics)

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:15 pm
by Squatting Wolf
My father, brother and I were lucky enough to have another successful Illinois shotgun hunt. Things started off slowly with only 3 deer seen on opening day of shotgun season. My brother had a little fork horn buck, a yearling and a nice doe show up a couple hours after sunrise on Friday. The yearling was the first to show up with the little forky not far behind. Not wanting to shoot something that small, that early in the season, he passed and just decided to watch them. Within a few minutes, they moved off behind him and a large doe showed up. He watched her for a few minutes and decided he would take her since he wanted some meat in the freezer, little did he know, that little fork horn was standing behind him, he moved slightly to get his Browning BPS in position but the little buck busted him which in turn alerted the nice sized doe. He didn’t get a shot and didn’t see any other deer the rest of the day. My dad and I hunted the entire day without seeing anything except a bunch of birds, tons of squirrels and a good number of rabbits.

A little depressed about not seeing anything, we headed back to the cabin to warm up some chili and have a couple beers and talk about the days hunt and strategize for the morning.

Day 2 turned out to be much better. Within 30 minutes of being in my stand, I had a nice doe show up. She was slowly working her way across the corn field, eating as she went. I pulled my Benelli up on her and decided I needed a little more power on the scope, I dialed up the Leupold to 4x, adjusted the sling and put my crosshairs back on her. She was slightly quartering away and luck would have it that she found an ear of corn and she stopped for a morning snack. I squeezed of a shot and let the 300 grain Hornaday SST slug rip. After I shot, she slowly walked off, acting as if nothing ever happened. I was thinking to myself, the shot felt good, I took my time, controlled my breathing and felt like everything was done right. I gave her about 30 minutes, climbed down from my stand and walked north up the edge of the corn field. When I thought I had made my way far enough north, I cut into the field. A few steps in, I say my doe, piled up laying in the field. I checked the shot location and it was just about perfect. I then wanted to see how far she made it after I shot. I tracked the blood back to where I shot her and she went 15 feet! I hollered at my dad to bring the truck over to get her loaded up.

Here she is…



Once we got her loaded it, it was time to head back to the stand. After about and hour and 20 minutes, I hear a shot ring out and I knew it was someone in my hunting party and from the sound of things I figured it was my dad with his .44 mag! Shortly after the shot, he got on the radio and said there were two bucks headed up the draw towards my brother and I. About a minute later, I heard my brother shoot once. About 15 seconds later, I heard a second shot then my brother got on the radio and said he had two bucks down!

We gave the bucks some time to expire and then met up to talk about what happened. My dad started out by telling my brother and I that the smaller of the two bucks was 1st to appear. He thought to himself, a small buck is better than no buck or doe and he was out of deer meat so the little buck would fill the freezer nicely. Just about the time he was going to shoot, a larger buck showed up. He thought, well I’ll take the larger of the two! About that time, the little buck turned around and started sparing with the larger buck. This went on for 5 or so minutes. My brother could actually hear the fight going on and he thought my dad was rattling! During the fight, the larger buck was behind a large tree most of the time, eventually he did step out and my dad let him have it with his T/C G2 Contender my brother and I bought him for Christmas last year. Both bucks moved off slowly, the larger buck was hit well and the smaller buck didn’t know what to do so he stuck with the larger buck. They moved off to the north which gave my brother a shot. The first to come in to view was the smaller buck, he dropped him with a single shot. After the smaller buck was on the ground, the larger buck stepped into view so he dropped him with another well placed shot. Two bucks down in 15 seconds!
Here’s all three in the truck…


I have two permits left, my buck tag and another antlerless tag. I had both my Benelli and my S&W model 657 performance series with me this weekend. Next season I plan on hunting hard with the pistol only, I haven’t taken a deer yet with a pistol and would like dearly [no pun intended] to get a chance to harvest one with the pistol.

Re: Successful 2008 Illinois Deer Hunt (long story w/ pics)

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:12 pm
by acloco
A VERY successful hunting trip! ...and you have two tags to go!!! Very nice.

Re: Successful 2008 Illinois Deer Hunt (long story w/ pics)

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:49 pm
by dannybracy
Nice write up, and even NICER DEERSSSS!!! Good shooting. I was already getting the itch, but now I CAN"T wait for deer season here! Thanks for sharing. -Dan

Re: Successful 2008 Illinois Deer Hunt (long story w/ pics)

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:43 am
by Mike
Thanks for sharing your hunting story. I didn't realize that in Illinois you could shoot multiple bucks? In Missouri, you can harvest up to one buck (one tag can be used for a buck or doe) and all other tags that you purchase (can buy as many as you want in most parts of the state) are antlerless only.

Re: Successful 2008 Illinois Deer Hunt (long story w/ pics)

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:47 am
by Squatting Wolf

Here in Illinois you can take 2 antlered deer during a year, including the archery, muzzleloader and firearm seasons. I ended up with 3 tags this year and my brother and father each had 2. I've still got a doe tag and then an either sex tag so I'll definitely take at least one more doe if I have the opportunity and wouldn't turn down a shot at 2 more does! I would love to bag a big buck but I also like having the freezer filled. I've got friends and family that enjoy the meat as well and if I end up with too much, I can alway donate it to the Sportsmen's Against Hunger.


Good luck to ya when you go out!