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Wyoming mulie

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 7:24 pm
by Guy M

With the help of some very gracious people who allowed me to hunt their property, I was able to take this tall Wyoming mulie. Wasn't sure the hunt was even going to happen. My guided hunt with the outfitter fell through, and I was recovering from recent shoulder surgery. Managed to make it happen though, and am very happy with the results. Sorry the picture isn't more clear, he's a great looking young buck, I figure about 3.5 years old.

Regards, Guy

Re: Wyoming mulie

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 7:44 pm
by Glen
Nice buck Guy!! Congratulations & Get Well Soon!! :wink:

Re: Wyoming mulie

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:06 pm
by acloco
WOW! Very nice.

Re: Wyoming mulie

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:13 pm
by sum-rifle
Looks like a really nice buck. You did not say but is he a 4X4 or is it bigger?
I know you can't eat the antlers but everyone loves to know how many points.

Again congratulations!

Re: Wyoming mulie

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:30 pm
by Guy M
Sorry - yes, he's a 4x4 plus eyeguards, about 16 - 17" wide and 24+ inches tall.

Nailed him with a .25-06 Rem 700 CDL, which has become my favorite deer rifle. Load was a 100 grain Barnes TSX loaded to 3340 fps mv. I used H4350, Winchester brass and Federal 210 match primers. Put the loads together with Wilson in-line BR type dies. Good accuracy out to 300 yards. After preparing for a nice 300 - 350 yard shot, I ended up taking the buck at about 30 yards... :oops: Could have nailed him with a bow. Or my .45-70. Or a muzzle loader. Or a handgun. Or a slingshot I suppose... Gotta have those 3000+ fps loads for those long-range 30 yard shots ya know... :D

Again, the hunt was only possible because some great folks stepped in and rescued my hunt by allowing me to hunt their land. I thought I was sunk when the guided hunt fell through and then I had to have surgery... I was hunting within 50 or 60 miles of Yellowstone, near Cody, and it was awesome being there without all the summer tourists. The fall colors were just fading, the bison were wandering out of the park, pronghorn antelope were everywhere and even some bighorn sheep made an appearance. It was quite a trip. Should have brought my fly rod - there wouldn't have been any competition on the rivers...

Hope everyone else has a great deer season too! Regards, Guy

Re: Wyoming mulie

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:00 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Way to go Guy! It's nice when you're prepared for a 300+ yard shot, and have one presented right in front of your muzzle. Life should always be like that. ;)

That's a very nice mulie buck in anyone's book. Congratulations for sure. For next season though (the one we've been talking about in PM's), a squirrel at 300+ yards is just a bit smaller....... :lol: Thanks for sharing.

Re: Wyoming mulie

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 4:21 pm
by bullfrog
Nice buck Guy. It's fun to take something with character/uniqueness, and you certainly did.