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cooper price

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:30 am
by Ol` Joe
I found a used used Cooper this weekend, I`m not sure of the model # but it has the synthetic Phoenix stock and I believe its a M22. Chambering is 6x45 (6/223). Redding dies are in the deal for ~$900. no rings or bases.
I didn`t have time to look it over much but it appeared to be in nice shape.
Is this a decent price?
I`m not worried about the chambering, I reload and at one time actually thought re barrelinging a rifle I had to this cartridge for paper punching.

Any thoughts or comments?

Re: cooper price

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:34 am
by Vartarg
With that chambering it would be a M21....and I'd snap it up.

I have a M21 that used to be a 6/223, and thought the twist was slower than I's now a Pacnor barreled .17FB.....

Re: cooper price

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:42 am
by Ol` Joe
Thamks, that is pretty much how was feeling when I 1st saw it.
I`m going back to take a better look at it this afternoon. I need another rifle like a hole in the head according to the home finance officer but... :twisted:
I`ll post back if I decide to buy.

Re: cooper price

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:43 am
by Keith in Ga
Sounds like a deal to me.

Re: cooper price

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:13 am
by bow shot
I'd just plug one of the existing holes to make room for a new one.

Re: cooper price

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:27 pm
by blkdog
If you don't pick it up let us know where it is. That is a heck of a buy.

Re: cooper price

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:19 pm
by Ol` Joe
Put a down payment on it this the morning. The finance chief was a bit toughter then usual this time but I still have all the skin on my knees :D