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Burris 8-32x Signature Select

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 7:34 pm
by boomer68
Hi, I am new to the forum so please be gentle :)

I have a Remington VSSF II in .204 Ruger and just bought a used older Burris and was wondering if I would be able to use Burris Signature rings, or will I need extension bases/rings?

Re: Burris 8-32x Signature Select

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:09 pm
by broncsandwhiskey
Well first welcome to the forum and don't worry about the shooters in here. Some of us are a little bit off but for the most part we are pretty good bunch shooters. Now as far as your question you should be fine with a regular set of bases and rings. Just look out for your ring height as your objective is going to be larger than 40mm. You might need a set of high rings. Good luck and good shooting. Ride Up!!!

Re: Burris 8-32x Signature Select

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:19 pm
by OldTurtle
While not the exact same scope,,, I bought a used Burris Black Diamond 8-32x (30mm) for use on my Remington 700 Tactical and called Burris... They gave me the Signature Rings and Inserts description for the application...I even got them at a little less cost than most retailers were asking...


Re: Burris 8-32x Signature Select

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 5:23 pm
by boomer68
Thanks for the welcome and replies. I ended up getting a set of standard Leupold bases and high rings. She looks purdy now :)

Re: Burris 8-32x Signature Select

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 5:40 pm
by greystone
OldTurtle wrote:While not the exact same scope,,, I bought a used Burris Black Diamond 8-32x (30mm) for use on my Remington 700 Tactical and called Burris... They gave me the Signature Rings and Inserts description for the application...I even got them at a little less cost than most retailers were asking...

Old Turtle
That's kind of a cute looking rig you got there. I like it!

Re: Burris 8-32x Signature Select

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 6:16 am
by OldTurtle
Thank You... She's really accurate with some 60gr loads,,,certainly less that 1 MoA at 200yds...Unfortunately it has one of the older 1/12 twist barrels, rather than the newer 1/9 that would allow me to use a little heavier bullet...But that may change in the future...