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Barrett bors for dial at rat

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:10 am
by Jason Shore
Any of you guys seen or used a barett bors to dial in your distant target.I know they are expensive but if money was a problem wouldnt it be a great thing to have.You just range the target and dial up so the read up on the sceen says the same distance.
I am considering one at the moment and what to hear other people thoughts :chin:

Can I also ask how many 1/4 moa clicks roughly do you guys come up using a 39gr blitzking from ranges 100 yards to 200 yards to 300 yards to 400 yards to and 500 yards. Just need to gauge how many clicks I may be using at differant ranges.
any imput and thoughts appreciated

Re: Barrett bors for dial at rat

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:31 am
by Rick in Oregon
Jason: The Barrett BORS System would not be suitable for "dial-a-rat" (my pet term) because by the time you entered all the criteria into the unit, the rat would be down his burrow or 200 yards away from where he started. Too tiny of a target for the unit to pick up something as small as a rat I'm thinking also......dunno.

It's perfect for tactical/combat encounters, but useless for PD's or other small rodent varmints, and brutally expensive for the average shooter as you mentioned. It's about perfect aboard a M109 though. The bad guys really hate this thing I'm betting! :wink:

(IF it would work for varmints, the thing would almost take all the fun out of it......almost. ;) )

Re: Barrett bors for dial at rat

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 4:09 am
by Jason Shore
thanks for the reply rick ,much appreciated.
I can understand what you mean in movement of the ground squirell.I have watch a few videos off you guys shooting them in the U.S.
My main target will this set-up hear in Australia wil be rabbits and crows which tend to sit still for a longer period of time, so I can range them more easy , adjust the bors then let fly.
Do you still think I will be wasting my money :?:
thanks Jason

Re: Barrett bors for dial at rat

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 4:18 am
by kenbrofox
if it floats YOUR shooting boat, it's not wasted. ;) Just my own thoughts, and why i've never wasted a penny all my life.

Re: Barrett bors for dial at rat

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:19 am
by Rick in Oregon
Jason Shore wrote:My main target will this set-up hear in Australia wil be rabbits and crows which tend to sit still for a longer period of time, so I can range them more easy , adjust the bors then let fly.
Do you still think I will be wasting my money :?:
thanks Jason
Jason: In that case, have at 'er! If you've got the resources, and don't mind the honkin' brute sitting atop your scope, then go for it. The only caveat I'd offer is to ensure it's going on a rifle chambered in a caliber that would take advantage of the features the BORS offers. It would be wasted on something like a 204 or 22-250. (.416 Chey-Tac? .50 BMG? .416 Barrett? .338 Lapua?))

Let us know how it works out, and! :D

Re: Barrett bors for dial at rat

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:07 pm
by Jason Shore
Rick in Oregon wrote:The only caveat I'd offer is to ensure it's going on a rifle chambered in a caliber that would take advantage of the features the BORS offers. It would be wasted on something like a 204 or 22-250. (.416 Chey-Tac? .50 BMG? .416 Barrett? .338 Lapua?))

Let us know how it works out, and! :D
Can you go into more details why you think it would be wasted on a 204 or 22-250
Thanks Jason

Re: Barrett bors for dial at rat

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 7:17 am
by Rick in Oregon
Jason Shore wrote: Rick
Can you go into more details why you think it would be wasted on a 204 or 22-250
Thanks Jason
Jason, I'd offer this: If you are shooting a caliber that is capable of first shot/cold bore hits past 800 yards or further, then the unit might be suitable for your application. Using a 204 or 22-250 at their "normal" ranges and hitting targets within this range is not really difficult with the aid of a laser rangefinder and a good scope.

The BORS was designed for heavier combat/tactical calibers to shoot at much farther distances, up to and past 2,000 yards......much farther than any of us would attempt a shot at a varmint (without very specialized equipment). We've been smacking rodents and coyotes at 500-600 yards and beyond without anything like a BORS system for years. Heck, my farthest prairie dog was shot with my 243 Ackley and a Leupold 6.5-20X in Montana ten years ago at over 840 yards......without anything like the BORS.

I'm just saying that the thing is a beautiful tactical tool for the correct weapon in the right hands, but not entirely suited for sporting applications. Some may say it goes against "sporting" ethics, but then again, how would a laser rangefinder fit into that equation? If you have the resources and the appropriate weapon to mount it upon, fine, go for it, but for a 204, 22-250 or like caliber weapon, the money would be wasted. If you happen to have a .416 Chey-Tac, .416 Barrett or a Barret .50BMG, well, that would be an entirely different story altogether. ;)

Re: Barrett bors for dial at rat

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:58 am
by Critter
While at first look, the BORS appears interesting. However it does have some weakness.

1. While it deals with bullet characteristics, barometric pressure and temperature, there is no mention of wind velocity which must apparently be calculated and entered manually, as does RATT (Range to target which apparently must be determined off line.)

2. Similarly, target speed and angle of incidence which can affect the prediction are not mentioned.

3. Other problem is you are tied to one rifle by the physical attactment of the device to that rifle.

In my view it was a gallant if misguided effort. As my disertation chairman used to say, it requires a little more work.

Rick addresses these issue by attaching a sticker to his scope cover.

or for nearly $2800 you could get this:


The Barrett Optical Ranging System (BORS) is an exciting new development in long range shooting. The integrated electronic ballistic computer couples directly to the Leupold Mark 4® rifle telescope acting as the upper rear scope ring.

• Measures air temperature, barometric pressure, and bore line angle
• Calculates a ballistic solution for a specific user-selected cartridge
• Eliminates the need for "counting clicks", calculating mil dots as target ranges change, or using a handheld computer
• Allows the shooter to focus on environmental conditions, assess the tactical situation, and quickly engage multiple targets at varying ranges
• Takes the mystery out of bullet drop

Re: Barrett bors for dial at rat

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:14 pm
by nicoledc109
Rick in Oregon wrote:Jason: The Barrett BORS System would not be suitable for "dial-a-rat" (my pet term) because by the time you entered all the criteria into the unit, the rat would be down his burrow or 200 yards away from where he started. Too tiny of a target for the unit to pick up something as small as a rat I'm thinking also......dunno.

It's perfect for tactical/combat encounters, but useless for PD's or other small rodent varmints, and brutally expensive for the average shooter as you mentioned. It's about perfect aboard a M109 though. The bad guys really hate this thing I'm betting! :wink:

(IF it would work for varmints, the thing would almost take all the fun out of it......almost. ;) )
Thanks for sharing.