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New Scope

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:02 pm
by Wiiings12
I need to buy a new scope for my 204 Ruger. I have a VX-I from Leupold on it now and I am very very pleased with it. I have roughly 450 dollars to spend, I want something in 12-16x. Most importantly I want something of decent quality, I know 450 dollars isn't much... but that's all I got. I previously opened a post to try and help myself decide between Nikon, Bushnell, and Leupold, but now I realize thats not very smart and I should be open to everything worth looking through!

Re: New Scope

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:13 pm
by Glen
That should get you real close to a VXII 6-18x40 AO.

Re: New Scope

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:50 pm
by Medic52 ... scope.aspx this is a good scope for the money.

Re: New Scope

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:54 pm
by Medic52

Re: New Scope

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 7:23 pm
by Hotshot
Those are three great scopes, but what type of reticle is more important to me. You can get a nice varmint reticle on that Leupold. The Bushnell has mil-dot, which I don't care for but you may, and it is better than some that are way too big and therefore cover more target than necessary. The Nikon has a good concept but they ruined it with the way-too-big circles.
If you are shooting at large or close targets the reticle doesn't matter as much as if you shoot at small far targets.

Re: New Scope

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 7:51 pm
by Wiiings12
The scope will mainly be for groundhogs. maybe some coyote, and I'd like to go on a PD hunt sometime too!

Funny how this came down to Leupold, NIkon, and Bushnell..

Re: New Scope

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:12 pm
by Medic52
The real question is which one do you like the best and how much do you want to spend. I don't think you will go wrong with any that you chose.

Re: New Scope

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:57 am
by kenbrofox
Hi Wiiings12, my 5 cents worth is get one with a third turret, those with a twisty bit at the front are a pain to adjust easily. cheers kenB.

Re: New Scope

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:48 pm
by Me375
wiiings 12 you might try an ospray 6x24 at about 220.00 they are a cross betwine a nightforse an a leupold you can contac them at Preestige law enforcement west .inc ask for Dave Arbetter at 1-360-574-6922 he will send you all the info you need very good guy to work with .it has a 30mm tube an is bright as eather of the two i told you about an at less than half the cost . they have a mill dot or a range finder ret. just thought i would pass this along . an tell dave that Lloyd sent you you might get a good deal lol . Lloyd

Re: New Scope

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:33 pm
by Wiiings12
Ok, I have managed to save up 613 bucks. And I still need a new scope for my 204! I think I am going to bump up to a VX-III 6.5-20 since they are on sale. I found one for 515 dollars, but I want to get everyone's opinion here first. What scope is going to be the best in the $500-575 ish range?

P.S. I dont think I will need or want any special reticle on my scope, I very very rarely ever spot a groundhog out past 200 or so, and even then I dont need to compensate too much

Re: New Scope

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:46 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Graham: I've got five or six of that scope, and depending on what you want, I'd recommend their long range version with their Varmint Hunter Reticle.

I dial for range almost always, and use their M1 elevation turret which must be factory installed, but having the VHR gives excellent results without any dialing, and is very accurate when used with the 204 Ruger. I think you've made a very wise choice, and will never regret it.

Oh, by the way, that scope has the excellent 30mm tube if you get the LR version, otherwise it will come with a 1" tube. I mention this for your ring choices. I also much prefer the 40mm objective, and by using that one, you can mount this scope in Leupold Dual Dovetail mounts with their Low rings, as the objective bell will easily clear the barrel, and give a nice low installation.

Right on buddy, you're going to be one happy shooter! :D

Re: New Scope

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:50 pm
by Wiiings12
Thats what I think I want but some recent thought has me reconsidering, is that a little too much scope for the 204? and I live in Ohio too, not too many long shots around here. What do you recommend? I was thinking maybe drop down to the 14x? or go with Nikon and get a 16x? or should I stay where I am at? whats your opinion?

Re: New Scope

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:59 pm
by Glen
Check the Weavers 4.5-14 too.

Re: New Scope

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:46 pm
by steve
I have the 6.5 -20X50 VXIII I think its too much scope the 4.5-14X40 VXIII would be better. If your shots are not too long you might look at the 3.5-10 X40 vxiii.

Re: New Scope

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:44 pm
by Medic52 ... scope.aspx this would be a good all purpose scope for you to look at.......I have this on my 204 and it has been GREAT