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Vortex Optics

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:14 pm
by Rafter CT
I was curious if anyone here has seen or used Vortex optics. They appear to be good quaility and great priced on their web site but wanted to see if anyone had any luck with them first.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 5:19 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Rafter: Never heard of them....must be a new import, eh? Link?

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:54 pm
by Rafter CT is a website that sells Vortex. Check it out they seem to be preety good quality. I think they are American made.


Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:27 am
by Vartarg
I checked with Vortex...they're a Wisconsin company, but they import all the scopes and other optical items. The rifle scopes are made in the Phillipines.....

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:35 pm
by glenn asher

Maybe this will help! It's odd that I have to go to an Aussie website to find out about an American company, but I hadn't heard of them either, until I read a couple of posts by this guy, who apparently is in "good" with the Aussie importer :? Anyway, he seems to think highly of them, and the writeups on the spotting scopes is interesting, to say the least. Anyway, check out that link, it's got his impressions, which is more than I have :P !

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 5:13 am
by trevort
now we have it Glenn, you only call in for some intelligence gathering :P

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 12:50 pm
by LeeC
Just this morning I saw an ad from E.A. Brown (I think that is their correct name) and are running a sale on those scopes.

Re: Vortex Optics

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:44 am
by glenn asher
I've since had the chance to look at Vortex scopes, at the NRA convention here. I really liked them a lot. Bright and clear, even in the horrible conditions of the South Wing of the Kentucky Fairgrounds :( .
Honestly, I liked them better than the Bushnell 6500s I looked at, while there, too. I think Vortex has it RIGHT with their BDC reticle, much better than Nikon's horrible reticle with the same indentifying letters :eew: The power change lever, for want of a better word, is massive and maybe TOO big, but at least it gives you plenty of leverage, or a good purchase when your hands are cold and stiff.

I think my next scope purchase will be a Vortex, if nothing else, just to see if the scopes are as good as they appeared to be. I'm apparently not the only one who has developed an interest in them, as they were given a wring-out on by a guy in Alaska. ... w/1#UNREAD

He was very objective about it, and noted things he didn't like, but also noted that they worked exactly as advertised, and it was only in matters of personal taste, not performance, that he objected to various features. That's a fair and honest way to go about it.

Re: Vortex Optics

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 6:43 pm
by OldTurtle
I had a chance to look at them at the NRA meeting when it was held in St Louis and in convention center, with the poor lighting up in the 'rafters', I was able to see some of the paint runs on the pipes up near the ceiling at the other end of the room...

Their Viper Vortex Scope 6.5-20x will be my next purchase as soon as I get the pennies saved...

Re: Vortex Optics

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:37 pm
by Charlie AR15
I have a Vortex 6.5 x20 x 50 Viper on a PD gun. I love it ! Has the BDC reticule. I only have a very small and personal nit pik and that's the crosshairs are a bit fat. But, really, that scope has helped me shoot in the 3s and 4s and PDs sure nuff didn't like them ! I guess you have to match target aiming point with scope so honestly, it's not a draw back. Light gathering is fantastic; as good as it gets. Cameraland has good people and prices. You should go there and talk with them; they'll give you honest answers and a fair deal. Oh, and Vortex has a $50. rebate going on top of Camerland's best prices ! I've bought a couple things from them and I speak from experience.

Re: Vortex Optics

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:09 pm
by Captqc
I have a church buddy that sells Vortex and he speaks very highly of them (for what that's worth). I have not checked them out myself as I'm a Leupy fan. Gary

Re: Vortex Optics

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:48 am
by OldTurtle
While I've been impressed with the quality of the Vortex scopes I've gotten to handle, the following was just posted this morning on another forum by a person I've always considered to be reliable regarding his information....:

"Here i go again, the first two vortex crosfires i had were junk. Well the vortex diamondback thats been only on my .243 for a couple months went south now. Yes the customer service is good, so there is a new one coming, it will get here next tuesday. Deer season starts this saturday, imagine that.

That makes it three for three with their products for me. Instead of coming out with a new line of $3,000 scopes, maybe they should consentrate on making the scopes they sell to working class people work. blue"

I only offer this as it's the first time I've heard anyone that has had a problem with the brand and feel that it should be considered in making a choice....I would be sure that your point of sale will allow cash refunds in the event you go through a series of warranty work with a couple....

If you want to contact him before making your decision, PM me and I will try to put you in contact with him for more details...He's never struck me as the type to abuse his equipment..