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Alpen Apex xp Scope??

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:09 am
by Dayv
hey guys, so ive been looking at a few different scopes for my 204 as atm it has leupold vx1 3-9x40 on it and I think id like some more magnification but I don't want to spend a packet on it if I don't have to, so I was surfing the world wide web when I came across the Alpen Apex xp, it gets really good write-ups everywhere and I can pick up 6-24X50 for $370 delivered to Oz from opticsplanet, my issue is I have never heard of this scope before but it comes with a "no questions asked" lifetime warranty so am wondering if anyone has any expierence with them good or bad? any feedback at all would be appreciated cheers Dayv

Re: Alpen Apex xp Scope??

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 3:07 am
by Glen
I don't know anything about the scope you're looking at. Wish I did. So maybe this will help.

I have 2 4-12x40 Swift Premiers & really like them. They are a great product for the money. I had fogging on one at the higher powers & sent it back. They fixed it at no charge & if I remember correctly had it back in around 2 1/2 weeks. I am going to get another one for my HMR. HTH

Re: Alpen Apex xp Scope??

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:14 am
by RowdyYates
I checked into Alpens a while back; mixed reviews led me to look elsewhere.
fwiw, I'm getting one of those closeout 6-20X Weaver Grand Slams from either Midway or Natchez before it's too late.

Re: Alpen Apex xp Scope??

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:39 am
by futuretrades
My thinking on the subject would be, buy the best scope you can afford. In other words, spend a little more for a better known scope one time, rather than spending money on a questionable scope, and then not being satisfied with it, so you feel the need to replace said scope and spend your cash twice!
My preference would be, Leupold. You cannot beat their customer service, warranty is lifetime, and if you look on Optics planet, or Leupold's web site, a lot of their scopes you can choose different reticles, if you choose.

Re: Alpen Apex xp Scope??

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:00 pm
by Dayv
cheers for all the feed back guys I think like stated ill buy once and cry once and just go with leupold so ill stick with whats on it for now and save a little coin thanks again guys cheers dayv

Alpen Apex xp Scope??

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 1:27 am
by boomer84
I get my scopes from eBay from a guy called bonzer imports just look up scopes and if it is free shipping it is usually him he is an Aussie in New York and he has some great deals on stuff I got my bushnell elite just over $500 cheaper than I could find it here anywhere. Free shipping and quick delivery and great to deal with! Check it out and compare your prices I'm sure u won't be disappointed. He ships a lot of other gear too not just scopes.


Re: Alpen Apex xp Scope??

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 4:06 pm
by Dayv
Cheers for that boomer I'll look I to that sounds like I might find a great deal there