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Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:35 pm
by Hutch45
Rick in Oregon wrote:Whoaa there....Leupold NOT honoring their warranty? I smell a rat there buddy.
What kind of rat do you smell? I have no agenda if that's what you're implying. Sorry, I insulted your favorite scope. I don't own a Leupold, but I have shot with them and they are of superb quality.

I was shopping for a scope about a year ago and Leupold was certainly on the list, however, I heard (yes, it's hearsay that came from different sources) several stories about RECENT instances of Leupold citing "customer abuse" and not repairing a damaged scope. I don't recall details as it has been a while, but I read and had people tell me essentially the same story. I do know in the past their Customer Service and Warranty has been one of the best in the industry, but then there are these stories that keep being repeated about their RECENT policies. Also, I didn't quite like the huge price jump for the Varmint Hunter, Mil Dot and/or B & C reticle. That turned me off as much or more than the Warranty stories. Whether the stories are true or not I don't know as there is no way to prove them one way or the other, but they are circulating.

I did find what I was looking for with a Burris Scope and have been very happy with it. There are Leupold's in my extended family, but no one has had to have one repaired, so I have no personal experience.

I am looking for a Scout Scope for a Marlin 336 in .35 Rem and there are only two quality ones made.....Leupold and Burris. I haven't decided on which one I'll get yet. There's about a $ 50 price difference, but the jury is still out.

Does anyone know anything about RECENT Leupold policies regarding Warranty?

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:40 am
by Rick in Oregon
The "rat" is rumor mongering. All my experience is personal, and my most recent experience (good) was last month.

Hard to believe that a company that built it's reputation on quality and customer service would suddenly go in the opposite direction regarding their customer service.

No insult taken, but don't believe everythng you hear.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:34 pm
by Mike
I'll throw in my 2 cents. I've been very happy with my Leupold Vari-XIII scope, but I had a terrible time with the Leupold mounts that I purchased to go with the scope. As I was installing the front base, one of the screws broke in half. Upon closer inspection of the screw, the remains of a small air bubble were visible in the middle of the metal. That air bubble obviously created the weak point in the screw where it twisted in half. Keep in mind that I was no where close to the point where I could have over torqued the screw, it was only about half way in the threads at the time. Anyway, I had to take my brand new rifle to a gun smith and have him drill and tap the portion of the screw that was lodged in the receiver of my rifle. I sent a lengthy letter to Leupold explaining to them exactly what happened, the actual screw and the receipt from my gun smith. A few weeks later I received a package from contained 12 new SCREWS! Nothing more.

I've been very happy with the quality of my Leupold scope, but that experience left a bitter taste in my mouth. I've started shopping for a more powerful scope for my Cooper and Leupold made it to my short list. They're still on there, but I doubt they get the nod because of the treatment that I received several years ago. Oh well, I hear good things about Zeiss and Nightforce. :D

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:26 pm
by Outlaws
71KPB wrote:What are you zeroing your guns at 100yrds, 200yrds.
I zero at 200.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:49 pm
by Hutch45
Rick in Oregon wrote: ...but don't believe everythng you hear.
You're right. I will be buying a Burris again! :hail:

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:13 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Hutch45: Well, that's what makes this such a great country to live in....we have choices!

I hope that new scope works out great for you.

(P.S. Out of respect for what you heard, I forwarded this entire thread to the folks in management I know at Leupold. If true, they need to know what's circulating on these forums so they can make any necessary "adjustments" to their standing policies.)

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 3:41 am
by skipper
I can't argue with Rick about Leupold scopes. I have owned many in my lifetime. I have never needed warranty work on any of them and that in itself says a lot.

I would like to offer another suggestion on a scope that is less well known and being less recognized might have a cost advantage. Mueller scopes are well made scopes. If you have ever read Chuck Hawks reviews you might have noticed his comments on them. You could get a lot of scope for a lot less money. Check out the link below. Here is a scope with all the bells and whistles for less than $300.

I read someones comment a while back talking about if they had my money they could afford a Nightforce. Let me assure you that I am not rich my any stretch of the imagination. I will admit that I am a lot better off financially than I was years ago when I built my own house, furniture, etc. Let me also assure you that I worked very hard for many years to get where I am today. If I was looking for the best possible value I would seriously consider the Mueller or perhaps a Weaver. No flame on the other scopes mentioned here, just an affordable alternative.


Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 6:54 pm
by janneuf
Don't believe anything you read about Mueller scopes. Every testimonial you read is nothing more than a commercial for these Chinese imports. Not even in the same league as a Leupold or Nikon, maybe comparable to those "other" Chinese scopes being hawked here.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 5:43 am
by goody523
It looks like I am too late on this post for the original person who asked the question, but in case anyone else is reading it looking for the same info I thought I would chime in. Over the years I have tried many different scope manufacturers as I am the type of person who doesn't like to just blindly follow along a path - I like to dig in and check things out first hand. Although there have been a few times when I have talked myself out of a Leupold for some reason (something else was cheaper, it looked better on paper, etc.) I always found that when I went into the field I picked up one of my guns with a Leupold on top. For me the big thing with Leupold's is their excellent eye relief - you can snap a gun up to your shoulder and the sight picture will be there if your cheek placement is anywhere even remotely close. When you are out in the field wearing thick clothing and you have 2 seconds to lay down at some weird angle to get a shot off at a mulie, it makes a huge difference. Even at a bench where you have all the time in the world, I always feel like I am looking down a small pipe when I look down other scopes whereas with a Leupold with it's huge exit pupil I don't have that sensation at all.

You combine that with their legendary customer service (I was hunting with a buddy who fell down the side of a hill in Wyoming and destroyed his Weatherby and the Vari-X III on top of it and Leupold replaced it at no cost even though he was obviously at fault) and the fact that they are an American company and I think it's hard to beat them. These days I will often own a rifle for awhile before I can come up with the next chunk of change to put glass on it, but I refuse to buy another brand that is cheaper as I know it will ultimately irritate me to the point I will sell it (at a big loss) so I can buy a Leupold.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:50 pm
by Verminator2
I just purchased a VXll 6-18x40 leupold and put it on my .204. It is one of the clearest scopes I have looked through. They even put a 4'' sunshade in at no extra cost. I agree with Rick leupold is one, if not is, of the best optic choices out there.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:46 pm
by craigyboy
Have you ever looked through a Zeiss? Very good scope, dont get me wrong Leupold are good especially for you guys as they are probably a lot cheaper than some of the european scopes, I have seen a lot of leupolds and they are great but the european scopes just have the edge in my opinion i.e swarovski, Zeiss, Khales, Schmit Bender are all worth a look if you want to spend that kinda cash. I own a swarovski 6-18x50 Habicht with a TDS Plex reticule(similar to the Leup varmint hunter but a bit less cluttered looking) Amazing scope Cross hairs are so fine long range on small targets aint a problem, adjustments are very repeatable, the only pitfall is its Paralax is front adjustable (Personally I prefer this, this is why I bought it), Its more of a light varmint gun scope as it itself is pretty light, Otherwise a Zeiss conquest 4-14x44 mil dot would be my other choice great scope side wheel paralax can also can be got in stainless if you look hard enough.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:03 pm
by Rick in Oregon
craigyboy: You are correct, sir, in all respects. The monetary fact is though, is that the euro scopes you mention are all priced at least a full third to half again of what we get our Leupold's for here.

Most guys on this forum are putting together or shooting varmint rifles primarily, and the cost of a euro scope is usually not justified for this purpose. For big game rifles that may go on out-of-state or on African hunts, maybe, but most here are not willing to pony up for the cost of a euro scope for a varmint rifle.

Leupold is built here, sold here, and as such, does not have all the import duties/tariffs, etc, so are much more viable for what we use them for, and their is no question as to their service policy, which again, is right here, and close by. It appears considering the cost there of both offerings, the euro scopes may be the best deal for you.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:50 pm
by craigyboy
I know where your coming from Rick, My swarovski cost me £760 ($1483) which here is about the same price I would pay for a high mag Leupold Mark 4 tactical scope. I have to say I really envy you guys, shooting is just so much more easy, I mean sure I have thousands of acres to shoot and loads of vermin, but owning guns here is just such a hassle, I mean I had to wait 10 months just to get a .204 on my rifle, its not like I dont own any other rifles they just go through the whole same vetting system, land checks and the need for owning this calibre all over again everytime you want a new gun. Everything cost so much here The money you guys are paying for rifles is nearly half what I pay, I would pay £550 for a remmy sps while you guys are probably paying $550, same goes for CZ and they are european, makes no sense. If I lived out there I would own all leupold scopes as for the money they are great (they are very good in there own right) Though I just have to live with it as shooting is all I want to do in my spare time, life would be pretty boring without it.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:05 pm
by Rick in Oregon
I'm with you all the way craigyboy, and fully understand your plight. I'm from British Columbia myself, and the idiotic gun laws up there are what made me come here, as the ones there, although not quite as bad as yours there, are still so restrictive, that no gun lover can really live with them, especially if they've ever lived here and enjoyed what many here take for granted.

I've travelled the world, served in wartime, visited asia, the orient, europe, Mexico and S. America, and just about always kiss the ground when I return here. Most of my fellow countrymen just don't know how very good they have it here, especially related to our 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, and the grand rights it gives us in regard to firearms.

Re: Mueller

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:49 am
by Critter
janneuf wrote:Don't believe anything you read about Mueller scopes. Every testimonial you read is nothing more than a commercial for these Chinese imports. Not even in the same league as a Leupold or Nikon, maybe comparable to those "other" Chinese scopes being hawked here.
Now you shouldn't bad mouth the Chinese. I mean where else are we going to get $5 shoes, and $100 Televisions. If they can't dump their stuff (Junk) here, where are they going to put it?

Remember, nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American consumer!
