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powder for 20 Vartarg

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:54 pm
by Bill K
Okay, what couple of powders would you start and probably stick with on this caliber? I see VV130 and H4198 seem the most used, but also some play with Litl Gun and others. In my mind I will start with H4198 and litl gun or R7. Interested in what a few of you think or favor. Thank you for any answers. Bill K :)

Re: powder for 20 Vartarg

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:26 pm
by Keith in Ga
I've got good results with RL7. Accuracy was good, was hoping for more velocity, but am pretty happy. I did try some H4198 got better speed, but accuracy wasn't quite as good as the RL7. This is with limited experimenting, so I'm not "locked-in" on the RL7 powder. Haven't tried any litl gun, but keep us posted on your results.

Re: powder for 20 Vartarg

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:26 am
by Rick in Oregon
Bill - I've been using RL-7 in my 20VT, because I have good access to it and have a bunch on the shelf. However, TK gave me this list of suitable powders for the VT:


There may be others in this burning range such as Lil Gun and A1680 (I use both in my Hornets), but I have not tried anything to date except RL-7. That's giving me 3,715 fps with the 32gr bullet and groups that run an average of .3" with no over pressure signs whatever. HTH

Re: powder for 20 Vartarg

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:47 am
by Bill K
Thank you, you guys.. I think I will work with the RL7 and H4198 for the time being. Maybe branch out later. I like the Reloader series, of course i.e. RL10x, so that will be the first brand of choice, along with the H4198.. Even if RL7 seems somewhat slower, but accurate, it just sounds just fine. Bill K :D

Re: powder for 20 Vartarg

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 4:37 pm
by futuretrades
Just got off the phone with Cooper Rifles. The target that was shot with my new Cooper, 20VT was with H335. I asked the fellow that I have been talking to at Cooper about it. He informed me that almost all the Coopers going out in 20VT are tested with H335, and 32gr V-max. The charge being shot is 18.3gr.

I had some issues that needed addressing with my new Cooper M21 Phoenix, so I sent the rifle back to them. The tech shot rifle with their reloads, with no problems, so the rifle is on the way back to me. Will be here mon or tues. I talked to Redding later for some technical info on the dies I am using. He basically told me that my Lee classic cast press needs to be replaced, so I have a Redding Boss press on the way. I will be in the process of trying new press with current dies, :wall: and if that doesn't work, Redding will be replacing my FL die!

Re: powder for 20 Vartarg

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:14 pm
by Vartarg
I've tried the RL-7, and it was OK....but I've had better results with H4198 and I pretty much use that all the time.....

Re: powder for 20 Vartarg

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 5:07 pm
by Sidewinderwa
I tried the 4198 in my VarTarg but it was only OK. I found that Ramshot X-Terminator powder worked better for me. My most accurate loads gave me 3,410 fps for the 39 grain Blitzking and 3,400 fps with the 32 grain Blitzkings. I was hitting prairie dogs at 600 yards with this load. I have not tried RL-7 powder. You will love your VarTarg. I would give up one of my 204s before I would give up my 20 VarTarg!