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223AI loads (75gr Amax and 65gr Gamekings)

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:03 pm
by ACLakey
I finally have my 1:9 twist .223AI back together and am looking at working up some loads with 75gr Amax and 65gr Gamekings. I have the following powders on hand H335, Varget, H4895, TAC, RL15, RL17 I hear good things about RL15 and the 75gr Amax, just looking for a good starting point. Thanks.

Re: 223AI loads (75gr Amax and 65gr Gamekings)

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 7:36 pm
by ACLakey
Here are the results of the first round of loads. I did not have any pressure signs with any of these and will do a little adjusting before next time.

Temp 38-43 rain light to heavy





It seemed like Varget was the better powder today but I have more work to do.

Re: 223AI loads (75gr Amax and 65gr Gamekings)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:33 am
by ACLakey
Well, I made it back to the range today and despite the cold and heavy snow I am pleased with the results. It seems I found my load.



The crono in the snow was a no go so I will have to get some more data next trip.

Re: 223AI loads (75gr Amax and 65gr Gamekings)

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:21 pm
by ACLakey
I worked up some loads with H335 and the results are as follows.

30F cloudy, still
223AI 75gr Amax CCI 450


It really liked 25.1gr at .005 off the lands(the sweet spot for these bullets in my rifle) This five shot group is what I like to see. :) I now have three loads with same hole groups (RL15, Varget and now H335) I need to get a new chrono and shoot them to see what one to go with. I know I should be working them up over a chrono but mine took a dump and christmas kicked my butt.

Re: 223AI loads (75gr Amax and 65gr Gamekings)

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:20 am
by Song Dog

Re: 223AI loads (75gr Amax and 65gr Gamekings)

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:27 pm
by ACLakey
I ran several loads over the chrono with 10 shot strings this weekend.

22" 1:9 Stock Savage barrel rechambered.
COL wih 75gr Amax 2.460"
CCI 450 primers
Win or WCC case (neck sized)

26.2gr RL15
Vel = 3000 average
SD = 27.67
ES = 71
.75" 10 shot group

26.4gr RL15
Vel = 3025 ave
SD = 14.2
ES = 33
Gave the best velocity an the most consistant 10 shot group. 7 shots in a ragged hole and three fliers about 1/2" off, could have been me and the numb fingers from the cold. I am going to use this load for my long range experimentation and recheck this summer.

25.2gr H335
Vel = 2950 ave
SD = 47.15
ES = 128
This was a very accurate group during load development. With the cold -2F temperatures it was all over the place.

25.4gr H335
Vel = 2995 ave
SD = 26.44
ES = 60
Shot well, 6 in a ragged hole and 4 within a .65" circle.

Re: 223AI loads (75gr Amax and 65gr Gamekings)

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:38 pm
by hemiallen
Great thread, thanks for sharing.

I thought the rule was the 75 Amax needed a 1:8, curious if the added velocity of the AI allows the heavier bullets. I have a colt upper in 1:9, hoping to single load it heavy and hope the 75's will work in a std 223.
