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How many times do you reload each case?

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:58 pm
by bri26064
I was curious how many times do you guys reload each case or if you even keep track. I haven't been keeping track. It seems that when they have been used enough that the neck cracks when I resize. I only reload .204 and .45 acp right now. I have .223 dies but haven't tried any of those yet.


Re: How many times do you reload each case?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 2:40 pm
by Sagebrush Burns
Case life varies considerably according to what you are loading and how hot you load. Something like the 45 ACP should have an a very long case life, especially using jacketed bullets so you don't have to bell the case mouth. With bottle neck rifle cases, chamber dimensions and load intensity can cause large variations in case life. In some cases (a hot loaded 270) I have had case life as short as five loadings. With cases like 223 and 204 I've gotten near ten loadings with no signs of failure yet. There are many variables involved and your mileage may vary.

Re: How many times do you reload each case?

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:15 am
by WrzWaldo
bri26064 wrote:It seems that when they have been used enough that the neck cracks when I resize.

Do you anneal your brass? After working the brass a few times it will become brittle and exhibit the behavior you are describing. If you anneal the necks (and only the necks) you may find you get many more reloads on your brass.


Re: How many times do you reload each case?

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:51 pm
by love2shoot
I have reloaded up to 14 times on my winchester brass so far. I started with twenty cases and am down to fifteen now. Had to discard some due to cracks in the neck, one cracked on the first reloading. All the primer pockets are still tight as well.

Re: How many times do you reload each case?

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:33 pm
by Ahab
I too can get 10 or more loadings from a lot. Usually the primer hole starts to open up before i start to have split necks. I only neck size my rifle cases.

Re: How many times do you reload each case?

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:39 pm
by jo191145
I don't keep an exact count but I'd quesstimate I'm at 25-26 reloads on my Nosler brass.
They've been annealed more than once but not because of splitting necks. Lets call it an unrelated expieriment that did not pan out. Nothing wrong with annealing just not sure if I would have needed too.
Never had a split.

My biggest concern is the thickness of brass between the bottom of the primer pocket and the inside of the case.
I use a primer pocket depth uniformer to clean the pockets. Much easier than a brush and makes em look purty.
Problem is it always removes a small amount of brass. Not so much when new but lately as the brass ages,thins and flows it seems to be removing quite a bit more. I think the web is getting dangerously thin in that area.
The fact that I've taken up FL sizing might be exacerbating the problem.

It really is time to scrap them but they're still shooting well enough that I'd like to finish out the season. 1 or 2 more loads should do it.

They have seen more than they're fair share of some crazy hot loads and I definately got my moneys worth.

Re: How many times do you reload each case?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:27 pm
by Jeff_8
I went too many reloads with some brass once and had a case separation, the base tore off and left the rest in the chamber. It wouldnt budge and I had to take it to a gunsmith. Luckily I had another rifle with us as I was 6 hours from home.


:camper: :007: :assault: