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New 204 ruger owner - hello out there

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:42 pm
by cshooter
Hello, I am a farm boy from Illinois. Good to meet everybody. I have read the topics on this forum for a while off and on and can tell experience when I hear it. I'm sort of new to computers, so forgive me if I make a mistake or two. I have been around guns most of my 42 years. I recently purchased a Ruger 77 MK II in 204 ( my wife got a new LCD-HD TV - that gave me leverage on me getting me a toy too). I like the 204's accuracy and it's flat shooting abuility. Don't kick near like my old 270. I hope I can knock out a few of these cornbelt coyotes with it. Wonder how far it will take a coyote out to ? I have an old 270, several 22's, couple shotguns, a 22 hornet & little 17 HMR(for varmint control in the sheds), and a few pistols. Alot of inherited guns from granddad's and uncles, ect. I hunt squirrels, deer, and some furbearing varmints in winter with a call. We have about a 50/50 mix of timber & farm ground around here. I like to target shoot and hunt on my free time and am looking forward to seeing what this new rifle is capable of in the field. Me and my wife are just small farmers compared with some of our neighbors. About 320 acres - mostly pasture and hay. :) I don't know much else to tell about myself. Hope I can add something.

Re: New 204 ruger owner - hello out there

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 5:03 pm
by Vartarg
Welcome to the've fallen in with a great bunch of guys. I've got the Ruger .204 you bought, and have been very satisfied with it. Folks look at my targets (well, at least some of them 8)) and ask what I did to get it to shoot like that....and it's straight factory. Good luck! George

Re: New 204 ruger owner - hello out there

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:10 pm
by Glen
cshooter-- Welcome to the Forum. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do. :wink:

I think the 204 will be very reliable out to 300yds. No personal experience at that range with one but I think it's good for that easy. :mrgreen:

Re: New 204 ruger owner - hello out there

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:21 pm
by savage rookie
Let me get this straight...SHE gets a big TV and you get a new gun...what sort of fairy tale are you living in...

Welcome to the forum, lots of insight here, enjoy.


Re: New 204 ruger owner - hello out there

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 1:34 am
by Lee C.
Welcome to the forum Cshooter, Enjoy your new toy and let us know how things go with it.

Re: New 204 ruger owner - hello out there

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 7:20 am
by Melvin Eades
Welcome aboard Cshooter.

The .204 will surprise you what it can do. I've killed coyotes out to 332 yards with mine. Where in IL do you live? I may be close to you. You're in the right place for finding info on the .204. A lot of experienced folks on here willing to help you out with any questions you might have.

Keep us updated on that new rifle.

Re: New 204 ruger owner - hello out there

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:02 am
by Hawkeye Joe
cshooter wrote: ( my wife got a new LCD-HD TV - that gave me leverage on me getting me a toy too). Hope I can add something.
You just did! With a woman like that, I'd even get married :eek: . I guess they're out there... WELCOME

Re: New 204 ruger owner - hello out there

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 2:52 pm
by acloco
You are going to be pleasantly and thoroughly surprised with your new caliber.

The 204 is an easy 600-650 yard prairie dog rifle. I don't see a reason why this round could not be extremely effective on coyotes to the 500 yard range (shot placement is of high importance!!). Would highly suggest using the Sierra 39 gr BK's or the Hornady 40 gr VMax for your coyote bullet of choice.

Welcome to the board.

Re: New 204 ruger owner - hello out there

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 4:38 pm
by cshooter
Thanks fellas, apreciate the welcome. Now if the heat and horse flies will let me get out and shoot my new toy, I'll have a report on how it shoots. Thanks again