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7 mm-08 load info

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 3:05 pm
by fishnbob
Well with the shortages we are experiencing, i, like many of you are running low on powder. I managed to find a pound of reloader 17 and was hoping i could use it in my 7-08. Unfortunately, i cant seem to find any starting loads for my bullets or maybe it something i wont be able to use for my 7-08. Any hlp would be appreciated.
I have 140 and 150 gr sierra gk. Loading for a rem 700 24 inch pipe. Just looking for a starting point
I was using h4895 with decent results but ran out.

Re: 7 mm-08 load info

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 3:30 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Bob, as you now have some RL-17, and according to Alliant and Western Powders, it's burn rate is identical to IMR 4350, you could start low with that data in your Sierra manual and work up safely. It should be entirely suitable for use in your 7mm-08 with either the 140gr (the choice in mine) or the 150's.

My Sierra manual shows a starting load for IMR-4350 with their 140gr as 41.6. Max is 48.4gr/2800 fps.

If you have any Varget, you can get about another 100 fps with the 140gr bullet with a tad less powder. PM me if you need more or 150gr load data. :D

You may find this chart quite useful: ... _rates.pdf

Re: 7 mm-08 load info

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:07 pm
by Gleedaniel13
:D ..For me I think, I will have o stock powders before it be run out of stock. So that, when its needed to use it I can have it.