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Re: my experience forming 20vt brass

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:28 pm
by fishnbob
I have one of the chop saws that RIO mentioned from harbor freight, it was around 25 bucks. I dont have quite as nice of a jig that Trapper dan describes. Mine is kind of crude. I drilled a hole in the end of a piece of 1x2, then i cut the 1x2 in half length ways. I just lay the brass in the exposed whole and clamp the 1 x in the saw. I also leave them about. 010 long and do a final trim. I did about 900 pieces in about 5 hours.

As far as the crushing part I found that some brands of brass didnt have that problem if they were once fired but would crush if they were new. For example I had some 223 Win brass that was once fired and didnt have a problem but new brass crushed every one I tried. I dont really know the reason why all I know is thats how it worked. I dont have any new lc brass so all I used was once fired that was not resized. I did notice that lc brass that was polished I could form just by using hornady one shot but lc that was shot from my buddies ar would only work with imperial wax unless I polished it. I did a thousand pieces and lost about 50. I also noted that the ones I lost had dents in them from extraction or something so I would cull them out if I seen decent sized dings or dents. HTH
If here is anything else I can do to help let me know.