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Re: CCI small primers anywhere????

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:25 pm
by btlbrn
btlbrn wrote:
Immortal wrote:Luckily I have around 8,000 Rem 7 1/2,CCI BR4,and CCI 450. It's crazy the prices people are asking for them and even crazier the prices people are willing to pay.
Anybody remember the primer shortage in 1984? Since then I have always kept a few extra on hand....but this is ridiculous!! My lgs tells me he has also heard a year before we get caught up on ammo or components. How many million .22 long rifle are made daily?? Where are all of those??
Yes I too learned a lesson then...Be prepared!! 13 million rounds of .22 l.r. a day, just lotsa people buying them up. Starting to see a few here in S. NV, they just don't last long.

Re: CCI small primers anywhere????

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 4:10 am
by Grendel
Quoting the latest G&A article about the shortage; Guns have gone mainstream and more folks are buying guns and shooting them. The industry is running production 24/7 and are just now starting to catch up. A few of the big boys are expanding their plants to some of the Southern state in order to maintain supply and demand.
IMO, Once they catch up, prices will stabilize but will not go down much as long as there is a high demand. :wall: :wall: