Some smut!

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Some smut!

Post by bow shot »

I'm seeing a rise in the degree of smut talk, etc. on this site

I'm asking this of the brethren here: Please keep the smut off this site. Its one of the few sites left where we haven't "gone there" to some degree.

As the USA continues its sad fall, preceded so many nations, it is evident that abandonment of the reverence of the Almighty God (who loved us and bore out sins on the cross), and the scorning of his commandments is followed, as He warned, by the removal of peace, security and freedom.

It is unique to His Scriptures, that the common man that "hath two garments sell one a buy a sword". So far we can thank Him that we in the USA, by a thread, still have this freedom. Though ones such as Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and their equivalents and disciples find it convenient to wear a 'religious' mask at the expedient time, their legacy has always been the replacement of the mighty 10 Commandments with their "ideals": Hence an immediate blood bath, followed a miserable state of existence.

I say this as a former drunken pot-head super left-wing new age liberal musician (college educated!) that made the conscious choice to believe (as did Blackstone, Disraeli, Blaise Pascal, Isaac Newton, Queen Victoria, and virtually all of the founding fathers of the United States with scant exception) on the great worth of the Words of the God: The Bible. So do not esteem me to be one that is not open to changing my belief when confronted by superior evidence. I'm not in with Bono, Snoop Dog, the Clintons, or anyone one occupying the UN. They concur with those of the previous paragraph concerning that Book.

BUT... at this point, I've had 30 of fire put to my stand by my betters and peers from "the other side" as well as my before-mentioned up-bringing and mentoring (and that is a good thing...). It has refined and solidified my position. My mind is no longer "open" to the junk I now scorn. It is secure and founded on The Rock of Truth. 'And as one bare-foot, weathered old WWII veteran once laid on me, "Just because you don't know what truth is, does not mean I don't". I’ll go with the Founders and the Vet.

Ok flame on if you must, I likely won't bother answering on this site. Maybe by PM.
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Re: Some smut!

Post by RAMOS »

Bow Shot, no flame here, just trying to understand. Can you clarify your definition of smut? I don't know if you mean off-color/innapropiate remarks or people going after each other or something entirely different. I always feel like I'm amongst family here and hope you do also.
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Re: Some smut!

Post by Vartarg »

Same question here, flame, just questions.

Maybe I've become used to the coarse level of discourse in our modern world, and haven't noticed what you're talking about. Or perhaps we may not agree on the definition of "smut."

If there's something specific that you have mind, please share it with us.


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Re: Some smut!

Post by Trent »

With all due respect to you Bow Shot, I have to disagree. This particular forum seems like a family. More so than any other forum I am on. Maybe I am misunderstanding your post and your meaning of 'smut'.
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Re: Some smut!

Post by stein »

Bow shot. I am not sure what specific smut you are bothered by but look forward to a conversation between all of us. Just looking for clarification. Thanks.
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Re: Some smut!

Post by bow shot »

Sorry to be late folks, I was trying to kill another deer (no good...).

I'll give smut the common definition, ie.: speech or images characteristic of unholy sexual conduct.

Well, I'm trying hard not to point. I'm in the real world with everyone else (Automotive factory worker, and you know my background) so yup, I'm used to the common vernacular, so to speak. I guess I'll just say that it was pretty recent and there was kind of a double dose. Some of the banter was dishonorable implying fornication with a friend's wife.. and there was another post that involved a link to a video.

So I guess I'll leave it there, and thank you folks for being kind and patient with me. I'm not asking for perfection, just some restraint respectful to the Lord.
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Re: Some smut!

Post by stein »

Ahhhh. I see and understand the deal. And I could not agree more about the link. On the other side. I don't know if the gentlemen who are joking know each other or not. They don't seem to be upset. But I can see where you come from. And I am glad I took the time to ask. Thanks.
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Re: Some smut!

Post by Sth Oz Dan »

I think my post may be the "fornication with girlfriend" one you mentioned Bow shot.
Sorry it offended you, and possibly others.
Suggestions of this nature aren't usually taken with such humour when you're at sea and have no idea where you're better half is. However, I have total trust in my partner, Mike is on the other side of the world, and I was happy to have what I thought was a lighthearted joke.
I'm not a religious person, but associate with many and don't see this as a social barrier, just a difference in spiritual opinion.
Obviously these spiritual differences will clash from time to time.
On the whole, I think we're all on here for the same purpose - to learn and teach all we can about a shared passion.
If things get out of hand and members start baiting each other up for an argument, abusing other members, or going on a political rant too often, then someone has to step in. But I'm happy to turn a blind eye to someone else's opinion if it doesn't conform to my ideals.
Live and let live.
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Re: Some smut!

Post by boomer84 »

Sth Oz Dan wrote: I'm not a religious person, but associate with many and don't see this as a social barrier, just a difference in spiritual opinion.
Obviously these spiritual differences will clash from time to time.
On the whole, I think we're all on here for the same purpose - to learn and teach all we can about a shared passion.
If things get out of hand and members start baiting each other up for an argument, abusing other members, or going on a political rant too often, then someone has to step in. But I'm happy to turn a blind eye to someone else's opinion if it doesn't conform to my ideals.
Live and let live.
Let's keep learning, reloading, killing pests, and driving tacks.

Could not have said it better myself!

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Re: Some smut!

Post by bow shot »

Kind thanks for the replies folks, but I'd like to make this clear:

The issue is not that I find the material offensive. I'm constantly bombarded by "the world's" side of life everyday. I realize almost no one gives a flying flip that I think sodomy, cursing, lying, fornication, cheating, blashphemy, porn, or anything else in the bin is not good. I'm used to that and probably a tad callous to that. I'm most offended by my sins, not someone else's

The issue is... as stated in the original post. 'And that's all.
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Re: Some smut!

Post by RAMOS »

Bow Shot, not going to outline my personal beliefs here. I will say that it does not bother me to be reminded about the importance of good manners. This site works so well because (I believe) of the respect we have for each other. Respect for one anothers' code of conduct is part of that. This may sound close to "Political Correctness" but I consider that to be a whole different animal! My offer to you is this: I will do my best to remember this is a site open to all and my sense of humor may sometimes not be appropriate to everyone. In return, if I do unitentionally offend anyone, please don't take it personally. I never aim to put my foot in my mouth, but I find it there more often than I like. Like the bumper sticker says, "Not Perfect, Just Forgiven".
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Re: Some smut!

Post by Sth Oz Dan »

Well said RAMOS
We can't go about life tiptoeing around everything that might offend, only hope that those offended will forgive when one's foot does get into one's mouth.
Bowshot - point taken, and understood - leave the smut to other websites - and stay on topic
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